Kindergarten Red-Shirting

@jadaley07 I red shirted my youngest because he had actual issues with school. He was born in July and school here starts early August. He was not ready.

Your daughter sounds ready for kindergarten. Go ahead and enroll her. Tell them you will be moving her on next year.

Those things are not reasons to hold her back. Speech therapy is part of most public schools (or you could find a private therapist). The confidence thing, I would ask for more detail. If she seems to be otherwise thriving, that is not a big issue.
@jadaley07 The fact that this came out of left field for you gives me pause. Oftentimes parents who give their children an extra year are already contemplating it for various reasons. The biggest factors you should look at are her maturity and social emotional skills.

Can she act independently in the classroom (put her things away, follow 2-step instructions, etc)? Is she able to get her needs met by telling the teacher or talking with friends? Is she able to sit and focus in the classroom for 10-15 minutes (during circle time or in learning centers)? Can she work through conflict most of the time without melting down?

I am a former preschool teacher and current admin and age alone shouldn't be a determining factor. As far as speech goes, she may lose the ability to access services through the public school if she's not enrolled. That's the way it is in our area.