Kids are dropping the N-Word

@nathanstrong Bro I thought your kids were saying the literal N weir word and I was Gonna say beat some ass. I typically don’t condone violence but beating racists is an exception. So when I read noob I laughed.
@nathanstrong You got to nip that in the bud. I had a football coach in highschool that got me to never say the word again. I grew up and went to an inner city school so the N-word had meant nothing to me until then. He was black and shared with us his experiences growing up being called that regularly. It carries a lot of weight and is meant to dehumanize people. Don't let your kids grow up thinking that word is acceptable.
@nathanstrong Fun fact: "noobs" is derived from "no obs" which is short for "no observations" which is the result a new coder gets when they write code that's so bad there is no data that fits their criteria.
@brooksideacres There’s talking out of your ass and then there is this lol.

Newb literally short for newbie, as in “you suck at this game because your mom probably just bought it for you” and n00b was the 1337speak way to say it….

Edit: a letter
@tornadokick80 Why is your 5 year old playing GTA V? I’m not one to judge parenting but why would you even let them touch that game when there’s a million games out there suited towards children that would have a much more positive effect on their development.
@sutton Well, to be fair, it's my game and it's not like he just plays it constantly unsupervised. He doesn't do missions or anything like that, just drive around and crash cars until the cops get him.

Beyond that, he knows it's just a game. And there's nothing on that game he hasn't been exposed to on YouTube.
@rkd08 [sup]Sokka-Haiku[/sup] [sup]by[/sup] [sup]Yeezymalak:[/sup]

I thought this post was

About something else and was

Strapping in for the worst

[sup]Remember[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]one[/sup] [sup]time[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]accidentally[/sup] [sup]used[/sup] [sup]an[/sup] [sup]extra[/sup] [sup]syllable[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]Battle[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]Ba[/sup] [sup]Sing[/sup] [sup]Se?[/sup] [sup]That[/sup] [sup]was[/sup] [sup]a[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]and[/sup] [sup]you[/sup] [sup]just[/sup] [sup]made[/sup] [sup]one.[/sup]
@nathanstrong No offense, and spoken as a gamer. Your kids are too young for games with social components and it's ludicrous not to foresee this as a possible result of breaking that seal. Even if the actual n word was not spoken, you came way closer than you'd like to think.