@tmichaelcart As far as I know, they don't know the racial slur beginning with N. There are several words that we strongly dissuade the kids from saying; Hate, Kill, Stupid to name a few. Now, when one of the kids wants to tattle on a sibling, they will say he or she said the H-Word, the K-Word or the S-Word. The first time one of them said S-Word to me, I had to ask for clarification.
This evening, Minecraft was on. My 7 year old had forgotten some basic things, so my 5 year old started calling her a n00b. After the 15th time or so in a 90 second period, I pulled the plug on n00b. So the 5 year old, without missing a beat, started calling her an "N-Word," the N being for the word n00b he wasn't supposed to say.
While I wasn't crazy about the n00b I was actively dismayed about his choice for a replacement. The OP was more about unintended consequences than having to beat the David Duke out of my kids.