Kids are dropping the N-Word

@alexburke I have my son make a playlist (while I am next to him) of what videos he wants to see then I review the list, detailing which videos I am not letting him watch and why.

Most times it is just because they are massive clickbait and I have to explain to him that yeah, you could watch a 15m video on how to do X, Y, and Z... or you can just read this short wiki page that takes you 30s even at your age.

At first he would just fill the playlist with hot garbage and would be left with only one or two videos that I would approve of but now he's gotten exceedingly good at identifying the quality content vs the garbage.
@jme602 I don’t particularly see what’s wrong with it if their interaction with other people is still monitored. Most games have features to disable the communications.
@hapagirl82 So I was confused and reread the post, I was under the impression they started at noon and progressed to the a slur. Not that they referred to noob as the “n-word”. Funnier now, but I still would not let my kids on game chat.
@hapagirl82 This is 100% wrong. Never in all my 32 years has noob been used as anything other than an insult/pejorative. Your description may be right, but it would be like calling someone Einstein and actually meaning it as a compliment instead of an insult.
@butterfly2010 But you totally can use einstein as a compliment.

Somone solves something you couldnt for example: "Oh wow, way to go einstein" with a friendly smile is absolutely a compliment
@hapagirl82 Its still something that makes people seem less than. Or that they are bad at something. Not something you really want 5 year Olds saying. If the 5 year old was saying you suck to them I'm sure people wouldn't feel the same.