Kid is 7 and starting to stink


New member
My kid is 7 and starting to stink. We are going to increase showers but he might need deoderant. Looking at natural deoderant but he has a tree nut allergy. Anyone have any suggestions?

Update- Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences and possible reasons for B.O. Took him to primary (for other reasons), who said that 7 is young to have B.O. She asked to see his water bottle and told us that he is not drinking enough water. So, the water people can give themselves a big pat on the back. You nailed it.
@onewithfaith Ours was this age and getting BO. Turns out he was lactose intolerant. Switched to lactaid, and no BO! Not saying your kid’s lactose intolerant, but it could be dietary
@onewithfaith Natural deodorant straight up does not work when it comes to hiding BO. You'll notice the only people who ever claim it does are the ones who wear it. Everyone else knows it doesn't work and is just too afraid to say anything to their face.
@pt_barnum My wife went on an environmental crusade (which I'm all for) and switched to natural deodorant. Had to be the bearer of band news that no, it does not in fact work.
@greatseams My wife went on this crusade as well, got me all natural deodorant that didn’t work. She finally scanned my Old Spice (aluminum free version) in all her apps and they all gave it a better grade than the all natural one that cost 2x the price
@pt_barnum Yeah, I don’t use it but someone I know does, they stopped because the aroma they gave off was described to them as “lavender and onions”. That comment ended that experiment.
@pt_barnum Can you elaborate what you mean by natural deodorant? My wife got me the aluminum free one and I think it works and it doesn’t say “natural” so now I’m wondering if I’m missing something and I’m actually really stinky. Also in fairness I used to struggle with even getting the aluminum filled ones to work.
@naydz Aluminum-free is definitely less effective and depending on where you live/how hot it gets, completely useless. Where I live, I would say it's fine in the winter and useless in the summer. If it brands itself as natural, it doesn't work under any condition.
@pt_barnum I think it depends on body chemistry, the type of deodorant, and the frequency of application. I’ve had pretty good luck with a combination of one of those “crystal” deodorant sticks and dabbing glycolic acid on my pits after a shower, a tip I learned from r/skincareaddiction. That’s good for about 18-22 hours depending on activity and temperature. if you need something for a day or longer without showers or re-application, it wouldn’t cut it.

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