"jUsT sLeEp WhEn ThE bAbY sLeEpS"


New member
I'm so tired of that fucking garbage. I've got animals to feed, plants to weed, a homestead that needs tending to, laundry and dishes and floors and firewood and bills and mail and projects to do. Sleep when the baby sleeps, what a load of bollocks. The adorable little fucker only sleeps when she feels like, and then I can't do anything in the house because she can SENSE when I'm getting shit done.

1-2 hours a night for the past week, on top of nine months of
@steve2219 Sometimes followed by “then don’t complain you are tired”…. There is too much to do and if I even try and take a nap I can’t rest well because I am wondering when she will wake up since she is so random with her naps.
@steve2219 My husband and I tell each other to "fold laundry when the baby folds laundry!" and "cook dinner when the baby cooks dinner!" because sleep when the baby sleeps is such BS. Yes, if it's your first and you're ok with your house being a tornado, then fine whatever. But any subsequent children and your hope for a nap goes out the damn window. Solidarity mama, these are the tired years.
@steve2219 It gets better but there's a catch -- as they grow, they'd learn new habit to make our life more challenging. Sleep when you can is such an easy thing to say but yeahhhhh, cant really sleep if brain is active. Hope you get a good nap today/tonight. Hugs.
@steve2219 Sleep training is heartbreaking any way you do it, but especially if you view yourself as their only reliable source of comfort. Around 12 months you can introduce a stuffy and a blanket to become comfort items. These items can help your LO learn that she will be okay on her own for a few hours. Self soothing is a skill that we all have to learn eventually. If you reframe the learning process like that in your mind then maybe it will help get you through. I promise you that the adjustment period is transitory and it gets better. Parenting after a string of good night rests is SO much more fun for both you and LO. Sometimes growth involves a few tears. Babies definitely make you work for it. Sending all the good vibes your way.