Just need to write it out

@shannonhartwell24 Thank you! :) Yes I totally understand, every time the period show up it's like a spiral of dissapointment and sadness. I am sorry for your friend too by the way, very sad she went through all of this, but at least happy she has now some babies!

Since you have your periods I can only assume you are ovulating... are you tracking your cycles? Actually, I had a HSG done a few months ago. My period actually restarted after this. My gyno who is specialized in fertility issues said some women actually did an HSG just to improve their chances to get pregnant. Have you ever had one?
@eeeindia Glad that the HSG helped get things going for you! I’ve not had any testing or procedures done. I’m doing basic tracking with OPK but not BBT, but my periods are SO regular, as soon as I got off the pill, that I’ve been assuming I am ovulating. But it’ll be good to at least check everything is all working like it should.
@shannonhartwell24 Yes, I understand the frustration!! Maybe doing indeed a full check-up with a fertility specialist around you could be a good idea. They will likely do some bloodworks to check all of your ''data'', and maybe prescribe you an HSG too, which might help, who knows!! I wish you the best of luck anyway, again just know you are not alone and we are in the same boat!
@shannonhartwell24 This journey is so hard and lonely, I think nobody expects it to be this way. But on the other hand, I see how many of you feel the same way. I'm still sad, but maybe just a little bit less lonely. I turned 31 in January and this is our 11th cycle of TTC, no positive pregnancy tests so far. My husband did his sperm analysis and it came back very good. I stopped tracking ovulation, it is too stresfull for me, and my cycles are regular so we are just trying to relax as much as possible. But this is very difficult, sex is a chore and we are not enjoying this journey at all.
@yac11 I am in the same situation though it has only been 6 months ttc for us. I will be 33 this month and I read that a 30 yo woman has a typical chance of 20% to conceive during each cycle.

Body signs point to ovulation every month and my fiancés sperm analysis came back good, though it was an at home kit. I’m still tracking ovulation but I get where you’re coming from with trying to relax. Less stress means a higher likelihood of conceiving. Many people say they finally became pregnant when they stopped “trying”.
@shannonhartwell24 I also had a specific timeline for when I wanted to get pregnant (took out my arm implant while finishing up my masters and started actively TTC when the due-date would coincide with when I qualified for maternity leave.

Like you, I also had to take a break from baby stuff - what I would recommend is sine it has been about six months to go ahead and make an appointment with the OBGYN, because that will give you something to do and more agency, to get any screening tests you can get done. I know I found it reassuring to rule out a few issues by testing AMH/etc.
@jahislord I’m planning on going to my GP (im in New Zealand - different system) once my dissertation is in. I’m hoping I can get the testing out the way, and then if still no luck by the 12 month mark we can go straight to fertility treatments at that point instead of wasting more time doing tests
@shannonhartwell24 Best of luck! Not sure how bad the delays are over there, but just the general IVF process takes soooo long if you end up needing to go that route or end up with any other treatments.

Best of of wishes with finishing your masters and getting some initial testing done soon!
@shannonhartwell24 I’ve experienced the exact same thing this week - something about the number 8 hit me hard too and Ive been an absolute crying mess which is incredibly unlike me. It didn’t help that over the weekend my SIL announced she was 8 weeks pregnant which was incredibly unexpected. It’s also the first time I’ve had to put on a brave face in a situation like that. My feelings surprised me as others around me have announced pregnancies recently and I’ve been ecstatic. I’m trying to tell myself that I’m feeling the feels for a reason and that’s ok. I’m one of 4 kids and my mum got pregnant very easily so thought this would be me too - I know it’s ‘only’ 8 months but it feels like an eternity. Hopefully it’ll happen for us both soon!
@jay_the_meek My husband's ex announced this week she was pregnant, and got pregnant easily despite being a year older than me. They were joking about it in the group chat while I was crying my eyes out in the bathroom at work trying to convince myself that one day it would be my turn. I've just started letrozole and am desperately hoping my period stays away long enough for my first really hopeful test, so it hit harder than it normally does when someone announces
@shannonhartwell24 We just hit the year point and it really hit hard because I really thought I would have a baby by now 😭 we had a miscarriage in January and I haven’t been able to get pregnant since and it’s really hitting hard because I should be in my third trimester right now 😭
@shannonhartwell24 TTC 2 years. It's extremely difficult watching others get a blessing you desire. My best friend is pregnant rn and my other best friend just gave birth. I've been lapped twice by family friends. And multiple family members (cousins on my hubbys side) are pregnant. It also seems like every influencer I follow is pregnant too 🤦🏼‍♀️
@shannonhartwell24 I can relate. Its super hard..It has been 8 months of trying and experienced 2 miscarriages. I had no idea it would be this hard. I go through periods of thinking I'm pregnant and wast so much money on pregnancy tests. Hope everyone gets their rainbow baby. They will be the most loved babies.
@luminousphoenix I actually bought a bag of 50 pregnancy strips for $15 on Amazon. They are strips but they do work the exact same as store bought pregnancy tests. This way I can do early testing (even though I shouldn’t).
@shannonhartwell24 Same story. after trying for 3 mnths, got pregnant lasted 10 weeks, miscarried. Then started trying immediately and it's been 7 mnths... and still no luck. I thought ide be well into my maternity leave now too but yes going to work makes it all the more real and dreadful. And I have regular periods. Both me and my hubs did a fertility check amd we r both fine. It's not like we dun try enuf either. I guess this is wad it means to be dependent on fate.
@dilipkumarpaswan I’m so sorry for your loss. In many ways I’m glad I’ve never had so much as a hint of a positive. The constant vague planning of when you’ll be on leave and then realising you won’t even be pregnant is so hard 😞