It’s ok if your nursery isn’t finished or doesn’t exist

@sofie I needed to hear this! My LO is 2 weeks old and ours is still part office because my husband is studying for the bar exam! It’s a good reminder that the nursery isn’t everything ☺️
@sofie I didn’t have one for my now-4.5 year old (we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with a roommate and we only had the master bedroom to ourselves) and never felt ashamed or even knew having a “baby room” was a requirement by the society lol. I’m 22 weeks pregnant now and this baby won’t have one either.
@sofie Yeah, so long as you have the equipment you need then the rest is optional. If someone enjoys decorating at that particular time then they might do that, but if someone else is busy or stressed or on bedrest or whatever, then they might not be able to do it or want to do it
@sofie very good reminder, thanks.

my babies both didn‘t have a nursery. with my first i was living in a tiny apartment, there just wasn‘t an extra room and baby was with me always anyways so she got a corner in the livingroom and bedroom and it worked perfectly.
with my second we had just moved into an old house and while there was an extra room this time around i just felt like i didn‘t need a nursery. i had so many other things to get done before baby, so i just didn‘t bother and the babies room basically stayed a storage room until he turned old enough to really enjoy / use / need a room.
@sofie You don’t have to have one, you just need a plan for handling the basics.

I am doing a nursery because I use it. I don’t have Pinterest for inspiration or whatever, so I’m just doing it the way I want to do it. I know what I need in there, and I know what I like.

My first slept in the nursery right away. I spent a ton of time in there. I remember skipping the changing pad I really wanted with him (keekaroo) because everybody on forums said “oh you will never use the nursery or your changing station!” So I felt like I was being wasteful if I got what I really wanted because it’s $$$.

Well I did use the nursery and my changing station. For 99% of diaper changes with my first I went to the nursery. I would much rather climb the stairs and change the baby on the changing pad in the nursery than do it on the couch. It’s just what I do. My husband is actually the same way.

My nursery is well used. I feel a lot more confident saying that now having been through it once. So I’m decorating it, but it’s for me exclusively. I need some organization and systems in place to feel mentally at peace in there. Some things are cute to cheer me up, but most of it is utilitarian because I know what I need.

I’m doing it in colors I like because I’m the one who basically lives in that room for the first year, while battling breastfeeding, hormone shifts, and PPD, etc. It makes me happy to spend time in a room with bright colors. My husband prefers everything to be neutral. Our whole house is done in shades of gray and white and other soft neutrals, except for the kid rooms. The nursery is where I’m allowed to have some yellow and aqua and hot pink, and I’m excited to have a space where I have the license to do that. The nursery really isn’t about the baby at all or how much I love her, etc. It’s entirely about me.

Not everybody uses a nursery. I might even be in the minority of moms who does use one based on what I read online! That is totally fine, and nobody should feel bad about not having a perfectly decorated, dedicated room set up. Everybody develops their own methods of dealing with all the various baby routines.

PS: I did buy the keekaroo this time. It’s fuchsia. My husband is going to think it’s the worst color ever when he sees it, but I’m so happy about it that I don’t care lol.
@sofie I’m having some fun decorating my daughter’s room but it’s really not a nursery per se- it’s more of a little girl’s room that she will grow into and hopefully enjoy throughout childhood. It doesn’t feel wasteful to me because we just bought this house and needed to repaint anyway (the walls were LIME GREEN) and I feel like I’m making a better investment by choosing colors and decor that will last for a few years. All that being said, I still find myself comparing what I’m doing with the perfect Pinterest true nurseries. The pressure is so insane.
@sofie I love this, we’ve been waiting for the nursery furniture for the past 2 months and I’m already 36 weeks. I’ve been feeling down because I know the baby won’t need all that right away, I have the essentials and we are ready to bring a baby home BUT I want to nest in the space I’ve been imagining for months. I thought some mom friends would get this and they keep disregarding my feelings like “oh you won’t even use any of that”. Like if they were not in the same mental space a few months/years ago. It’s really so hard to find empathy sometimes:(
@goodtree I know. It’s frustrating when everyone gives you the same unhelpful, helpful advice. Many moms understand that cute clothes or a fancy nursery really isn’t about whether Baby Sue is going to come home and enjoy that customized Etsy name plate. It’s a demonstration of excitement, nesting, love and creativity. I totally get it. That’s why I said, you still love your baby even if this didn’t happen for you, for whatever reason.