Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

@disguisedlamb That’s exactly what I did for like a week straight when I had Covid a few weeks ago. I don’t usually get so sick I can’t push through, but when it happens, you just do the best you can.
@disguisedlamb Nope, I have done the same. If she's sick she takes the day off, rests in bed alone I assume? , stay at home parents don't usually have that option, so we make due with what we can.
@disguisedlamb I used to work some crappy hours as a CNA. Leave at 2 am (covering someone else’s shift) and back at 2 pm. My daughter was like, 1, and I needed sleep. Unfortunately she would wake up at 5. So, breakfast and then while I put baby gates in all the doorways, toys on the floor, and she played around me while I snoozed on and off, changed diapers, gave her lunch, and watched tv.

Is she damaged? No. She will be 15 this year and she’s fine. I don’t even know how much “screen time” she got back then but I guarantee it was more than an hour!
@disguisedlamb I’m dealing with gallbladder flares waiting for surgery date. Today we were going to work on the garden. Instead my kids had tons of screen time.

It’s not all the time all day, it’s fine!
@disguisedlamb My spouse got upset at me one time when they came home and my twin toddlers were watching Simple Songs on tv while I was making dinner (the girls were ignoring my spouse trying to greet them and so my spouse was annoyed with me about tv being on) but I had just had a very long difficult day with them and it was keeping them quiet and focused enough for me to function. We don’t do much screen time, so when we do it’s for a good reason and is extremely effective haha but yeah as a parent you have to care for yourself too. You weren’t negligent in any way, you were just sick. It’s hard to have to get other people to adjust their expectations when they aren’t the ones in the situation.