Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

@maygrace I have a 3.5 year old too and had the same thought. I think he’s ready to drop his nap. Mine also dropped hers at 2.5 and is asleep by 7pm. And awake by 7:30. Asleep by 7 is earlt but it’s worth it.

I feel like once our daughter dropped her nap, it was hard for a week. She was exhausted by bedtime but after that she got into the groove of things. The midday break is crucial. On a school day, this looks like vegging out for a slow show for 30 mins and then reading a bit. If it’s a weekend, it’s winding down after lunch or after an activity.

Anyway, commenting to say, I agree!
@laurie4321 My 3.25 year old has been fighting naps but also still needs them. These two things have helped:
I got her a few special things for “quiet time.” A drawing board and a letter and number tracing board. They didn’t hold her attention long but she left her room and told me she wanted to take a nap sooo 🤷🏼‍♀️

The second thing I have been doing is a bit shameful for me considering our limits around screen time but there was one day I NEEDED a break and as SAHM I was like eff this man. I put on a sleep sensory video from YouTube, tucked her into a cozy cuddle on the couch and said I’ll be in my room but please don’t bother me. The floating stars and lullabies put her to sleep in ten minutes. Now we do it most days. I still don’t love it but she doesn’t seem to notice that it’s not typical tv. She has asked for it at bedtime and I still say no and she accepts that so far.

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