Is it weird to ask if my daughter is invited to a birthday party?

@greggkj It wasn't weird. You can only take people at their word and if she told your friend everyone was invited then it's reasonable to assume your daughter's invitation was lost.
Probably the lack of response about the gift was the other mom feeling weird about asking for gifts even though you asked her, or she didn't have any ideas, or saw the text at a weird time and forgot to answer. Just get a popular brand toy in a price that is comfortable for you from the closet major store with easy returns and include a gift receipt. (for example a Barbie, Lego or Playdoh set from Target)
@greggkj Our classes only allow invites if everyone is invited so the teacher can hand them to the adult at pick up. Otherwise they can mail them individually so no one is “left out” or knows that they’re left out which I kinda like
@diasgang4 Yeah that totally makes sense. It’s like a daycare/preschool situation with 3 year olds so the pickup and drop off time is whatever the parents want.

I don’t think like any parents know each other lol
@greggkj The invite could've gotten lost, or it could be that the mom had old info about how many kids were in the class (you mentioned being new) and didn't pack enough invites.
Clearly the intent was to invite everyone, though, and as long as your kid is reasonably well-behaved (as much as a preschooler is) and not terrorizing the other kid, I can't imagine why your child wouldn't be invited.
Half the time, parents don't even know the other kids' names and will address all invites to "Joey's friend" or something similar. Your kid wasn't being left out intentionally, and it was fine to ask.
@missleelee2007 Thank you!

Yes to clarify my friend is the one who’s daughter was new and my daughter joined like 2 months ago.

And yes my daughter is well behaved haha. She’s been the victim of a few bites but never any talks or concerns about her being the issue (she actually skipped a “grade/class” level due to her maturity.

Not saying she’s smarter, she’s just a gentle and calm soul.
@greggkj I think you are fine! I am guilty for not replying when parents asked for present ideas, I only have done it once but I totally forgotten about it during the chaos of life and remember when the kids mom dropped off the kids for the party 😂
@greggkj It's awkward for sure, but at 3/4 years old, there is a very high probability that the invite got misplaced, and not going would have made fhe other parent think you intentionally decided to nix the party, "..and OMG, didn't even have the courtesy to let me know!" 😱

What you did was perfectly fine. Don't think too hard about it...we're talking about toddlers party here. Also, don't forget to thank your friend for mentioning it.
Oh man now I feel so awkward yikes. It felt weird she would invite a girl who only went to school for like 2 days and not my daughter who has been in the class for 2 months. Also the envelope did not have a name on it my friend said it was a blank one in the cubby
@greggkj It’s only awkward if you’re awkward about it moving forward. As a mom, I wouldn’t think twice about you texting to confirm and would just be glad people were able to make it to my daughter’s party.

We aren’t in high school anymore. Way too much going on for anyone to get judgemental about a text confirming the plan for a preschool birthday party lol, and if that’s how someone reacts - you absolutely don’t need to entertain that kind of energy or even concern yourself with their opinion.

You sound like a really caring mom and person, please keep it up. We need as many people like you as we can get!
@greggkj Awww, you seem like a sweetheart that you’re so worried about this.

Don’t worry about it. There’s a million reasons why the invite never got to you.

Just go and enjoy yourself. I think taking a bottle of your home-made wine is a perfect idea!