Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

@skupi You can’t blame your child having problems on the relationship. If it was an absolute mess you shouldn’t of let your children anywhere near their father or his new girlfriend. Benefit of the doubt that you didn’t know how bad it was or would get but you can’t seriously just blame it all on the ex girlfriend. She was probably upset that you and your ex was soooo close to begin with and you don’t seem to be wanting any advice really but here it is. Give your ex more space and if you see (red flags) from new girlfriends of his then take the initiative and remove the children from that situation until your ex can finally find someone suitable. Stop with the I love yous maybe try “The kids and I care about you” don’t make it too personal imo
@lilypeace12 It actually did get to the point where I told him if things persisted the way they did I was going to have to take it to court. I told him if he wasn’t going to protect our children then I would have to. They didn’t argue for a couple months but the last time they did with the kids there he and the kids walked out the door and literally never went back. She kept all his stuff and won’t give it back. He had to literally start is entire life over.
@skupi You should’ve removed your kids the first time it happened after you telling him if things persisted the way that it was going. That way your kids would’ve been protected and he sounds like he needed to grow up himself without you telling him to protect his own children…
@lilypeace12 It’s an unfortunate fact that I can’t control what happens in his home and I’m not the type to keep my kids from their dad. I got my son a cellphone so he could call me if they argued and the time I told him it had to stop my son did call me and I went and picked the kids up. The whole situation sucked and I didn’t want to have to give him an ultimatum. I’m just glad he finally left and hasn’t gone back to her. She was abusive (not physically) and I’ve been in his shoes before so I had empathy for what he was going through.
@lilypeace12 Bc he wanted to dirt bike even more than he already did and didn’t want to come home to wife and children after work. He wasn’t being a good husband or father and I was unhappy being alone with the kids all the time. I cried a lot and was pretty depressed. Everyone who knows me has testament to how much I have flourished after our divorce and how much happier and more myself I have been.