Is it true that the 6-8week period is the worst? I can’t put my baby down in her cot without her waking :(

@websitefeedback Yeah basically lol my oldest still needed help but my youngest was basically narcoleptic. But by 12 weeks with both I could just whip a boob out and they’d go down without a fight wherever we were! I also did probiotics for weeks 8-12 and I swear it’s the reason my second was so easy going early on
@maryatheseeker I am extremely lucky, once we get our LO to sleep, he very rarely wakes up when we put him down. He does fight sleep pretty hard, he’s got the FOMO. BUT, before this age zone, I was watching so many “wish I knew” and “try this” videos. One of those videos gave me a tip of keeping LO as close to your physical body as possible before starting to let go into crib (took us a ton of practice) and then butt first, then head, and put hand on head till baby is snoozing if they stirred on transfer.

I’m not sure if we were just crazy lucky, or if this advice worked and we just trained him to be able to put down, but it’s worth a shot giving that info out!
@maryatheseeker It was 5-8 weeks for us. Google “PURPLE crying” — it helped me to know that it wasn’t something wrong with me, and not something wrong with her. Just developmentally normal. Ask for help from family and friends so you can take breaks. I also bought the LOOP noise dimming earbuds. Good luck 🙏 I feel like once you get through that period, you can do anything!
@maryatheseeker Ok so, hear me out, when she's fussing hard... let her. It's her way of tiring herself out. Adults can workout, go for a run, or do whatever to tire ourselves out but newborns can't. They just lay there so they have to find ways of tiring their self and one way is to cry hard. I cuddle my son while he cries. Within about 3-10 mins he's asleep. I don't try to find solutions during this time. I know he's fed, I know his diaper is dry, I know he's tired.

My son hates the white noise, he likes the fan on low, he doesn't like the room pitch black and he likes contact naps. I know it might not be easy for you but maybe try a carrier/wrap for naps so you can still get things done.
@maryatheseeker For us id say the hardest weeks were 5-8. But then right around when it ends they get the first round of shots. Once that was past us id say we noticed positive changes. Right around 3 months everything had clicked.
@maryatheseeker It was super hard! It’ll get better.
We nap-trained my son but didn’t really start until almost 4 months! Until then we didn’t attempt to put him down for naps or have any kind of schedule.