Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

@pattimayo I had to go back to online work 2 weeks after an uncomplicated delivery. I was resentful as hell. I also did not have family to help, and was in fact dealing with my moms terminal illness, so it might be ok in your situation, but I wouldn’t do it unless I felt I had to.
@pattimayo I had a great C-section recovery. Up and taking (slow, short) walks a week after birth. But I can't imagine trying to go back to work that quickly unless there was truly no other option. The level of sleep deprivation alone would have made it pretty unbearable. Not to mention the leaking of various fluids, anxiety, trying to figure out what works for you and the baby, breastfeeding (if you plan to), etc.

TLDR: don't do it!
@pattimayo I went back to work like this after 4 weeks. It was incredibly difficult to manage. It’s been 4.5 months now and it’s still difficult. I forgot how much attention babies need. Both of my children (3.5 years & 4.5 months) are home, though.
@pattimayo You need at least 6 weeks to recover. It is major surgery dont take it lightly. You may seriously hurt yourself and end up forfeiting the goals you are doing this for. Check with your health care provider please. Oh and congratulations and good luck.
@pattimayo Oh gosh I had a vaginal delivery and was a hot mess two weeks in. I couldn’t imagine the state I’d be in after a CS. Is it possible? I guess? Worth it? Definitely not imo, but I don’t know your reasoning for wanting to go back to work so soon. Good luck OP! My vote is take as much time as you possibly can!
@pattimayo My first was a vaginal birth and I couldn't walk to the bathroom normally, pee without basically screaming, or sit on anything but my donut pillow for 2 weeks and I had a very standard birth with only a couple stitches. I can only imagine a C section recovery is even more intense, not to add the part of taking care of the baby, trying to take care of yourself, taking care of life. Yeah, no.
@pattimayo At 2 weeks post C section I was still on heavy pain medication and couldn’t even pick up my baby, not to mention no sleep due to the newborn feeding schedule.
@pattimayo C section recovery depends on age and your body. Simply put you think you can work after a couple of weeks, your body might tell you otherwise. Exterior might be healed but not the interior.
@pattimayo No. My child was still in NICU and I was still bleeding at that time…and I did not have another child at home either. Was not in any shape, energy level or interest to look at anything work-related for at least 3 months.

There are so few times in your life when you have good reason to live your life without work in it, to focus on yourself, your baby…why would you rush back to it before it’s even medically recommended.
@pattimayo I wouldn’t commit to anything up front in terms of how much work you can reasonably do in the first month. I had a c-section and was very lucky that it was a fast recovery for me. I went home 48 hours after, needed no additional pain meds, and barely felt it. If the only thing I was dealing with was recovering from surgery, then yes I could have done remote work after 2 weeks but between sleep deprivation, trying to breastfeed, hormones, etc it wouldn’t have happened! Most people don’t have the c-section recovery that I did and there’s no guarantee you’ll be in one boat or the other. So I’d make no promises!
@pattimayo That sounds so hard. Do you plan to breastfeed? My baby was latched 24/7 and I couldn’t imagine having time for even a 20 minute phone call without crying in the background. If you don’t follow their cues that early PP you may end up with a low supply. Having enough sleep to function is major. Do you get a lot of overnight support from your mom/husband? Also, the pain from sitting up too long at that point. C-Sections are major surgery. Walking to the bathroom was still a bit of a struggle.
@pattimayo I guess you know your situation better and you already have one kid and so you know what's like to juggle work stuff around them. I had a very good experience with my c-section and would've probably been able to do admin tasks within a few weeks of giving birth. I was out walking within a week and driving after 2 (insurance cleared me). It just really depends. Good luck to you hope it all goes very smooth! :)
@pattimayo I did this with my first baby and it’s absolutely miserable. You can do it if you have a good support system that will help you out and make sure you get enough sleep at night or with a nap during the day. But I really would not recommend it if you have any alternative.