Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

@pattimayo I kinda did this for my job when I was on leave, and I did manage to work about 10 hours a week after a few weeks off. I am IT staff at a university and there really wasn’t anyone else to cover for me.

I didn’t mind it—it was nice to use my brain a bit—but I don’t know if I’d recommend it generally.
@pattimayo There’s a lot of No in these comments, but I’d say maybe, just because the job is fully remote. I worked on my computer from my bed days after my first, even though it was complicated and I couldn’t stand for more than an hour for five weeks. I started back with my second remotely two weeks after birth, but it was a super easy vaginal. I EBFed both babies, and did the overnights completely alone with my second (spouse had older child). So, it’s totally doable I think. No ideal perhaps, but if you like your work and can do it from bed, why not?
@pattimayo I couldn’t I don’t think because I would be so freaking tired. But I think I am slower to get myself together than others. But I think many have with physical jobs so I think it’s doable for what you describe.
@pattimayo Eh, if you have to, then you have to. Ask your surgical team and ob for tips on easing recovery as much as possible.

And please update us on how it goes! I just started a new job and am due in 4 weeks, so I’ll also be returning to work after 3 days (all the pto I’ll have at that point). I’d love to hear about your experience! Best of luck to you!

ETA: why the downvotes? Is this not an okay comment to make?

My OB is planning to write up a detailed post op plan to help me heal and recover with suggestions (and accompanying diagrams or images)for different sitting/reclined positions to work in, how often to do certain movements/attempt some things, and schedule suggestions for myself and baby (for husband) and so on. We plan to go over it in detail at my next appointment.
@starlight30 Are you having a c section? I wasn’t even out of the hospital 3 days post c section- my oldest was born just after midnight on a Monday, we went home Wednesday just before dinner. My youngest was born at 8ish on a Tuesday and we didn’t go home until Saturday afternoon.
@tesshopes Yep, c-section. I’m hoping we make it to the date of the c section (a Wednesday) and then i also get the weekend before being back on my computer Monday. Worst case, we take what I need to work, to the hospital with us. I’m remote, and of course zoom/teams let’s you pick your background, so I can work from a hospital bed, even if I don’t want to.