Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

@katrina2017 I'm self-employed and didn't even tell my clients I was pregnant with twins. I was sending emails a few hours after my c-section. I was in the hospital for five days for pre-eclampsia and was writing marketing content during my middle of the night pumps my first week at home. It's doable. It was hell. But doable. When people ask, how do people make it work? This is how. They work their asses off to the detriment of life and health, but that's what it takes when you grew up poor and want to claw your way into the middle class, I guess. Welcome to America.
@pattimayo I mean, do you have to for financial reasons? I think you could make yourself but it would be hard both physically and mentally. You mention your mother will be there so if she could give you dedicated time to work you could probably manage. However I don't think I would go up to 20hrs by 4 weeks, I'd stick to 10hrs as long as possible.

Personally I'd just try to budget and save money now to accommodate more time completely off.
@pattimayo Nope. Even if your body is healed, a 2 week old baby is in the throes of barely sleeping, and you’ll be barely sleeping. I wouldn’t commit to any work for at least 6 weeks if I could avoid it
@pattimayo I had a vaginal delivery with vacuum extraction and second degree tears. I was just barely walking at about one week. I’m sure a cesarían is worse. Do yourself a favor—plan to take as much time off as possible.
@pattimayo It depends on the job. I have a full time job (in person) and a part time telemedicine job. I’ve never had a c-section so I can’t speak from experience. But neither of these jobs are physically taxing and if I had to, I think I could work at either 2 weeks after a major surgery. Would I want to? No. Especially with a newborn when every moment of rest counts.
@pattimayo Possible - yes.

Advisable - absolutely not.

You will increase your risk of post-surgery complications and impede your healing long term if you rush back to work.

Source: had two c-sections 2 years apart

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