Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

@pattimayo No, this is neither realistic nor conducive to your recovery. Does your employer expect you to return to work so soon? Here you have 10 to 12 weeks of paid leave after giving birth and even that is short to recover properly.
@pattimayo Definitely not sorry. I had a pretty decent c section recovery and could walk around the block for five minutes at 10 days postpartum, but that was literally it. It was at least one month until I started feeling somewhat better and even then the sleep deprivation and hormones would have meant my performance at work would be shocking, and I wouldn’t have been ready at all.

If you have the choice, going back to work 2 weeks after a c section (or any birth, really), isn’t sensible
@pattimayo I'm having my second child c section 13 months after my first one. I really don't know what to expect as my daughter spent the first 2 months in the NICU. My husband and I let nurses at the NICU and let them take care of our girl at night while he would help me at night where we were staying. (We were 2 hours away from home). I started working again after a year in January and all they provide is 6 weeks off no pay. Also this time praying my baby has a healthy delivery and doesn't have to go to the NICU, I'll be taking care of baby at night. I'm nervous as it still feels like I'll be doing everything as a first time parent again.
@pattimayo I had a c-sec, after 2 weeks I was still wearing a surgery binder, needed help to get out of bed, and survived on a combo of caffeine and narcotics. I'm gonna side with everyone else and say don't do it.
@pattimayo My second was born in April 2020 and I went back to work part-time, fully remote, and 2 weeks PP. I had no idea how long it was going to be before daycares re-opened and I needed to start bringing in money again in case it was months. I knew there was no way I was working full-time with two kids home full-time, one being a newborn, so we did opt for me to go back very early. We need both our incomes, unfortunately.

That said, my second was a non-complicated vaginal birth and I was feeling quite good by 2 weeks PP. It wasn't hard to get 20 hours/week. I sat at my desk and worked when the baby napped, usually laying on his belly across my lap while I swayed my legs back and forth, keeping him rocked asleep. I've never had a c-section, but I do 100% sympathize with the feeling like "I have to get back or else".
@pattimayo I think I had decent c section recoveries (we were taking the dog and babies for a walk within 2 weeks both times) and mentally I could not possibly have entertained the idea of working at 2 weeks. I was trapped under a baby constantly, they only napped on me, and the second time any time I could put the baby down, my big kid needed mama time. There was 0 capacity for any work. Even after 12 weeks I was drowning when I went back to work. Unless you HAVE to, I wouldn't do this.
@pattimayo I urge you to take the longest amount of time possible that your financial and other personal situations will allow. I still had quite a bit of physical pain, extreme sleep deprivation, and struggles with nursing two weeks in. If at all possible, I would want you to be at home recovering for your own well being❤️
@pattimayo Absolutely not. C section recovery time is at least 8 weeks. It’s MAJOR abdominal surgery. Not to mention going back to work after 2 weeks, remote or not, unless it’s absolutely necessary for survival will likely have seriously detrimental impacts on your physical, mental and emotional health. That time isn’t just for your healing, it’s also to bond with your baby.
@pattimayo The minimum disability period after a c section is 8 weeks. Be gentle with yourself and I would not create an expectation that you’ll be back on the job in 2 weeks. I could barely get out of bed at that point! You’ll be exhausted and probably still bleeding. Take all the time you need!
@pattimayo I did this, and it was miserable. Went back part-time remotely after 2 weeks and an emergent c section. Glad to hear you’re considering not trying it! I believe my return to work exacerbated my PPD immensely.
@pattimayo I wouldn’t do this. I was just starting to feel better after 2 weeks but not great. Plus, I would’ve hated having to work while my daughter was a newborn. I was waaaayyyy too sleep deprived and trying to still bond with her then.
@pattimayo This is the kind of situation that if you're financially hard up for is worth taking on debt for rather than going back to work that early.
@pattimayo Physically, I could have done this. My planned c-section recovery was remarkably easy. I was lucky. Emotionally and functionally, I don’t think I could have.
@pattimayo I developed preclampsia and had a C section. Baby also failed to latch so I had to pump every 2-3 hours. It was total hell. Couldn’t take strong pain meds because I was breastfeeding. The amount of pain I was in caused my blood pressure to not come down in addition to the preclampsia. I took 12 weeks off and I would have taken 6 months had I not been a new employee.