Is it normal to take over a month to see a very minimal supply increase only for things to tank within days?


New member
Already posted to exclusive pumping groups.

I’m 4.5 months pp and my supply has been all over the place as an exclusive pumper. I was averaging around 15oz a day, then was able to get my supply up to around 17oz only for it to tank to 12oz, and then to slowly work back up to an average of 17oz again, but it took me over a month to get there. Then all of a sudden I started pumping an extreme amount of blood (already saw my ob for it, still looking into things), my breasts weren’t emptying practically at all (I would get 2oz every 2 hours or so, dropped down to 1oz every 2 hours, sometimes 1/2oz between both breasts). Had to decrease from pumping every 2 hours to every 4 hours, and now I’m getting 2oz every 4 hours. But then if I go 8 hours for sleep, I only get 3oz. I don’t understand what’s going on and I’m so exhausted to do all of this work only to have my supply tank all over again.

These are my supply tends.