My cat. My effing cat. I love him. But he's driving me N U T S. I have a home office and am WFH due to the pandemic. I have someone who watches my baby during the day at my house, so I stay in my office for the most part with my door closed so I can focus. Unfortunately before this became my home office this was already my cat's chill zone. It has a deep closet where he likes to sleep, and I've always kept his cat bed there. If you know cats, you know this isn't something that would be easy to take away from him, and really there isn't anywhere else in the house where we could set up a good chill spot for him, so this is it. I don't mind him being in the office with me at all, but the problem is he CONSTANTLY WANTS IN AND OUT ALL DAY AND IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY. Like 10+ times a day he's meowing to get out of the room, then 5 minutes later meowing to get back in the room. It drives me crazy. I mean of course he needs in and out because his food and litter box aren't in here (and no way am I moving the litter box in here). But it's just so mother effing irritating letting him in and out all day.
This is mostly just a vent post. But also, I'm considering getting a new door with a doggy door in it. Would that be crazy? Has anyone done this? Would be awesome if he could just let himself in and out! He's probably over it too!
This is mostly just a vent post. But also, I'm considering getting a new door with a doggy door in it. Would that be crazy? Has anyone done this? Would be awesome if he could just let himself in and out! He's probably over it too!