Intro / WTT for a VBAC (baby #2)


New member
Hello! This is my first post in years, but I loved this board when I was WTT for my first kiddo! Well, now I'm back in baby-crazy mode but WTT for #2. Anyone else WTT to space out their pregnancies? Or just hoping to have a more ideal pregnancy/birth?

My son was born via emergency C-Section at 33+5 weeks (over 6 weeks premature) and it was a very traumatic experience. I have PTSD related to it and often my mind tells me it'll all be better when I have my second child. I want to wait so that I can be in a position to have a relaxing, healthy pregnancy, NOT be working, and do everything I can to have a natural birth. But in order to have a VBAC, there's certain criteria that makes you an eligible candidate (health, weight, age, ect.) one of which is not getting pregnant within 18 months!

My first child will be 18 months in August, that's when baby making will start! In the meantime I'm working on eating healthier, getting in shape, and worrying about the fact that I still have not gotten my period back... 😬
@bluemoose Hello! We're WTT for baby #2 as well, though I've already accepted all my births will probably be c-sections (due to my Crohn's disease). Our original plan was to start in November when our son turns 1, but it's looking more and more like sometime in spring 2019 will be better. Sigh. It's not that much longer, right? I just hope it doesn't get pushed back even further since we're really hoping for smaller age gaps. Though I haven't gotten my period back yet either, which is probably my biggest concern at the moment. But I could definitely work on my eating habits too, and we're getting ready to move in less than two weeks (eeek!) so there are plenty of projects for me to work on in the meanwhile :)
@bluemoose I’m WTT #2. Our first is 16 months and we’re hoping to have our second when she’s 3 or 4 years old. So the earliest we’ll try is Spring of next year.

I had a precipitous labor with my first (she was born less than 3 hours after my water broke/contractions started) so I’m planning a home birth for #2. I don’t want to stress about finding last minute childcare and getting to the hospital in time. And I definitely don’t want to have a baby in the car or on the side of the road!