Improving Outcomes for Parenting Styles & Their Effects on Child Development


New member
Hello Everyone,

I'm a student conducting university-level research and would greatly appreciate if you all could participate in my surveys. I created 2: One for parents, and one for children of parents (open to all ages). The purpose of both is to see possible correlations between parenting styles and an unstable identity or sense of self primarily expressed in young adulthood. It also aims to potentially improve outcomes for parents and children.

If you are interested...

Parent Survey- please take this if you are a parent planning to respond from the perspective of a parent. You will be asked to evaluate your parenting style and your satisfaction with your relationship with your children.

"Child" of Parent Survey (open for all ages)- please take this if you are an individual planning to respond to questions regarding your parents, their parenting styles, and how your emotional & identity stability ties into it.

Thank you all so much! I greatly appreciate it.

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