I'm officially sterilized!


New member
Update from this post


I'm 27 years old, Oklahoma, my daughter is 4 1/2

I no longer need to worry about conceiving a child.
My daughter will forever by my only!

I just wanted to share my update.

Thanks you for your time,
If you have any questions just ask!
@mgreene05 Congratulations! I was jus wondering did you have any pushback when you wanted this procedure? Did you have to doctor shop? I got told “they probably won’t do it for you because of your age”… I’m 33.

Edit: sorry just read your original post! Five years trying to find a doctor! If you wouldn’t mind sharing more about that, that would be so helpful thank you!
@discernlife I doctor shopped on the r/childfree subreddit and one of the doctor's on their list was the one! No intense shopping this attempt!!

Well, I originally wanted it done at time of birth but gave birth in a catholic hospital. My prgnancy OB/GYN wanted to wait til I was 30 years old.

I gave it a break, then at 18 months old (my daughter)I shopped around again and had 0 luck and opted for an IUD. I waited around d a year after insertion to try again and was met with "No's", "are you sure?", "what if you change your mind/remarry".
@mgreene05 This is so maddening to me- they say 'How dare you consider an abortion, should have thought about this before you got pregnant' but then whey you think about it before getting pregnant and decide that yea I don't want to have any (more) children so let's do something about it they say 'oh but your small female brain couldnt possibly understand the implications'. 😡
@mgreene05 Fuck Catholic hospitals.

All I wanted was an IUD after my delivery. They wouldn't even let me do that, even though my OB was 100% supportive.

I couldn't choose another hospital because I live in the middle of nowhere and the closest alternative is over a mountain pass that still had the potential to snow over that time of year.

Stop pushing religious views on people who don't share them.
@henrivlot This country is so fucked. We were supposed to have complete separation of church and state and obviously that’s not how our legal system has ended up either.
@mgreene05 Good for you! My husband has a vasectomy consultation on the 22nd, but I am curious how invasive the process is for a woman. How long did it take and what does the recovery time look like?
@aubreyeg07 Of course, the procedure it self was only 30-45cmims.
Three small incisions where created for the scope and tools to be inserted! The total time in hospital was around d 4 hrs from booking to execution.

My OB/GYN says the recovery should be 1-5 days to feel normal but longer for the incisions.

If I missed anything ask again! I'm still a tad loopy
@mgreene05 Sounds just like my gallbladder surgery. If they cut through your abdominal wall, try not to lift heavy stuff for like 6 weeks so you don’t get a hernia. I guess your daughter would be the exception.
@mgreene05 I’m in Oklahoma, so this gives me hope!

Unfortunately, my insurance is only used through the network of the hospital I work at, which prohibits sterilization (Catholic entity). I’ll have to save up and pay out of pocket for sterilization :/