If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

@fudge Absolutely! I giant big YES. All the difficulties taken into consideration (and there were plenty, a lot still lingering you can find some in my comments), yes, every time, yes. I feel so lucky.
@fudge No, he was an “accident.” Would’ve waited until 30 like my original plan. Or no baby at all. But it’s weird to think about because now he’s here it’s hard to imagine him not part of our family in another life
@fudge Yes. She's 2y9m and I've badly suffered at times due to family issues, no support network, mental health issues, etc.... But I'd still choose her all over again. I am not a spiritual person most of the time, but when I saw her face as they held her up during my c section, my first thought was "oh, there you are." It was like I knew her, like I'd been waiting my whole life to meet her.

I'm 38 and damn, is my body sore like, all the time from wrangling her, and many days I'm just like "when is bedtime, I'm exhausted!" But I figured out awhile ago that if I have to choose between comfort or adventure in life, I will often choose adventure. She's my great adventure.
@fudge Yes. I’ve read all of these comments and I’ve felt the same about bringing a child into this world. I also got pregnant pre-pandemic and the pandemic has definitely made having a child more complicated. I’ve always suffered from anxiety. When I was in my 20s, I never wanted kids. But when I met my husband at 33, and married at 35, I was ready. But then infertility happened. IVF happened. And.. we just went through a lot to have her with us. Not going to lie, IVF and pregnancy and post partum were tough. If you asked me a year ago if I would do that again I would have said no. But my husband is a rockstar. I’m so lucky to have had a partner there through that with me. And my daughter taught me a lot about being patient. Thinking before I react. Being mindful of my words. She’s also made me want to be a better person and to continue working on myself. Do I worry about her future and the future of the world? Sure! But I try to focus on just giving her the best life I can. The life I never got as a child. Because life is more than what’s happening around us. It’s about the people we love and who love us and about passing down a piece of us, a piece of wisdom or advice, to give others hope and comfort and a feeling of belonging and being understood. I know this is getting into the meaning of life type of stuff hahah. But yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
@fudge Yes. I think in the early years, I may have felt differently. Those are grueling, sleepless nights and sometimes it feels like that level of care will last forever. My son is nine now and I can’t imagine life without him. My life trajectory has changed completely because of him, I am a much better person and I am challenged daily to face my own fears and shortcomings whereas before having him I kind of wallowed in it. I am stronger, smarter, more loving and more motivated due to having a child. I also love my family unit with my husband. We also started young-ish (24), and so it won’t be very long now until we are living child free again, although I’m not actually excited for that because I love him to death.
@fudge Yes, despite all its difficult times, csection, nicu, suicidal prenatal depression, etc. being a mother has changed me. It has been the best thing to ever happen in my life.
@fudge I have a 6 yo old. He is my absolutely world but knowing whatbi do now i would never of had a child and especially with my sons dad. I would run very very far away. My ex and in laws are also part of the main reason i am one and done. I would never subject another child to be physically and mentally abused by them.