If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

@fudge I probably wouldn't. Mainly because I got pregnant four months before the first wave of covid. I wasn't expecting pregnancy and the newborn stage to be so hard. Everyone told me I was young and healthy and it would be a breeze for me, it was not. I lost my job a few months later due to the economy going to shit from Covid. I never planned on being a SAHM and I hate it but it makes the most sense right now. I love my son and motherhood has made me grow as a person but if I could go back to before we started trying I would have just gotten fixed even if it mean divorcing my husband because I would never willingly sacrifice my health, my career and free time if I really understood what I was signing up for.
@fudge Yes, I would definitely still have a child. I would have tried to get pregnant sooner than I did. I do fantasize about what my life would be like if I never had a child, but I think for me personally it was the best decision to have my son and I would have regretted never having a child if I had gone down that path.
@fudge Some days, most definitely. Albeit, mine is only almost 1. Overall though I would still have him. Having a baby made me get my shit together - sad but true. It's tough but hang in there!
@fudge 1000%. I love my son more than I thought was possible. Nobody said this shit was easy! But he’s the light of my life and I just feel ‘right’ as a dad.
@fudge No. Teen mom life just isn't for me. I find a lot of joy in being Spontaneous and being lazy, both of which you cant do when your a mom. I miss my life before. I love my son but the constant sacrifice isn't worth it for me.
@fudge I think I would change my mind. Having a newborn during the start of Covid was horrible for my mental health. I can't afford to stay home and it's been difficult working around daycare closures.
@fudge I adore my 12yo, but if I knew now what I don’t know then, no. An abusive alcoholic husband who treated me like a maid and was traveling half the time, who spent five years engaging in MRA tactics to extend divorce proceedings and drive me into deep debt and also stalked me and tracked my location and broke into my place of work AND an inconvenient custody calendar for my kid? I hate it all. He begged me to have another but I knew it was a bad idea.
@fudge Right this second? Maybe not! My 10 year old ASD kid is currently throwing a temper tantrum because she doesn’t want a toasted sandwich for lunch. In general, yes I would still have her.
@fudge I would, but I think I would wait a bit longer and enjoy time with my husband, travel etc. that wouldn’t have happened because of Covid anyway, but I wouldn’t not have her.

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