I thought twins where bad but triplets are worse

@hoodlesshunter Our twins just turned 3. No idea how anyone would want another baby after having twins! And you got 3x babies. F*ck me, it makes me tired just thinking about it.
@mlt 1000% this. 2.5 year old twins here and into our 6th night of illness now. Trying to get a GP appointment for the next few days. Never ending nightmare.
@mlt Are you me?

Our twins will be 3 in April and hubs and are are right here with you.

All power to every single one of you, you're all goddamn super heros, but fuck that noise. No way. Uh-uh
@hoodlesshunter On a maiden a man once begat,

Bouncing triplets named Nat, Tat and Pat,

T'was fun in the breeding,

But hell in the feeding,

There was never a spare tit for Tat

Seriously, I have nothing to add except that you're a fucking superhero.
@becca2 It’s not impossible just not the norm

It was safer since it was my 3rd pregnancy instead of my first, also I had to give birth in the OR in case something went wrong
@hoodlesshunter First off, congratulations! You are doing great keeping your little humans alive. I’m not in the same situation as you, mine are 4, 1, and now our twins. Here are a few things that helped us and maybe could help you.

Our boys were awful at latching so I couldn’t tandem nurse. We chose to have me exclusively pump and supplement with formula when needed. Mentally, I struggled with this since I nursed our first two just fine but once I got over that mental hurdle it took so much pressure and stress off of me. I still struggle from time to time but it’s kept me sane. I chose to stop nursing and give our boys bottles so they could eat at the same time and I didn’t have to have one cry while waiting. This helped keep our boys on the same schedule and anyone could help with feedings.

I was also concerned about our older boys becoming jealous and resentful, especially our one year old since he was used to being the “baby” of the family. Since we were giving bottles I had our older two get involved with feeding and helping change diapers by holding the diaper or passing me wipes. This helped them feel like they weren’t being ignored and it gave us time together while I was still tending to the babies.

We also limited “help” from coming over. They all had great intentions but weren’t actually easing our to-do list. We used the excuse that we were trying to get into a new groove with our new family members and said we needed time to create that routine. If we did have people help, we were specific with what we needed.

I also had activities/crafts at the ready for when our older two couldn’t be tended to. This included things like coloring books, puzzles, dot markers, simple board games, and playdough. I also invested in a handheld vacuum so they older boys could clean up after themselves. They loved taking charge of tool with a motor and they could easily wipe the table from marker messes with a Clorox wipe.

You are doing great, even if it seems like the wheels are falling off your struggle bus. I would be happy to put together an Amazon order of crafts/activities for your older kids and have it shipped to you. Hang in there! Internet hugs to you!
@hoodlesshunter I want to also ask if formula is an option for y’all? It would take so much stress off you.

I would make daily milestones that you can look forward to. “I have help coming in 2 hours… I can do this!” Or “Lunch is in an hour…maybe I can eat too…I can do this!”

Give yourself, children, husband and helpers grace. Assign chores how people can help you. Ask them to windex the mirrors,rinse out the older kids cups, etc. If someone doesn’t do the chore up to your standards try to let it go.

Breathe. If you belong to a church I would definitely ask volunteers for help or even spiritual counsel.

You got this!
@hoodlesshunter All you are accomplishing is utterly amazing. That said, it is totally fair to feel like you are drowning. You have a challenge on your hands that even us fellow parents of multiples can not understand.

I have to imagine it gets easier, eventually, but you are certainly in it now. So much love and support your way.
@hoodlesshunter Congratulations on the birth of your triplets! You’re a hero! I wanted to say that I’d seen your previous posts, and that you’ve been on my mind.

I’m in no real position to be giving you advice: I have a singleton and newborn twins (born 6th Nov). However, I wanted to say that I haven’t mastered the art of tandem feeding yet, so often one of mine is crying waiting for their brother to finish, which is so hard. I don’t wind the first one who has fed, instead I prop them face first on my breastfeeding pillow with a burp cloth under them (it’s not technically safe, but I watch them like a hawk until I’m ready to wind them).

Also, I'd like to echo what others have said: introducing some formula could be so helpful to you. I EBF my first, but the moment I knew I was pregnant with twins, I knew I was going to combination feed. It is so helpful to be able to have others feed them, plus it's nice not to constantly have a little one attached to my boob! If you’re really adamant about breast milk, exclusively pumping could be a better solution. I personally don’t pump, as I don’t feel like I have time. So well done for doing that along with everything else!

Also, babies find it easier and quicker to feed from a bottle. I also find mine are fuller for longer after a bottle feed and therefore sleep for longer stretches.

There are some YouTubers who had quintuplets a few months ago: We Are The Freels. Watching them might give you some tips. My biggest takeaway, for when the twins are a bit bigger, is I’m going to use a feeding pillow which props a bottle in front of them. Once again, I don’t think this is the safest practice (so take everything I say with a pinch of salt), but I wouldn’t leave them unattended.

I’m sure it doesn’t feel like it, but you’re doing an amazing job, just keeping everyone alive right now should be your main goal! I find my toddler to be super stressful, he’s so rough with them, so I totally empathise with the stress your twins must be causing you. You are in the trenches right now, but it will get easier. Little milestones like when they no longer need winding, can hold bottles on their own, be robust enough to be around toddlers, will make everything incrementally easier. It’s hard right now, but you can do this, you’re already doing it! Good luck
@hoodlesshunter I didn’t have other kids, but you can survive triplets. Mine are 23 years old now. It’s really, really hard. I did not breastfeed as mine were really premature and my body never produced milk. I know that you really want to breastfeed, but sometimes it just isn’t worth it. You went through a really traumatic birth experience and you need time to heal yourself. Give yourself some grace. Just do the best you can. Sometimes you just have to take it minute by minute.
Just remember that you are human and you can only do so much. Hugs to you and if there’s anything I can do to help, DM me.
@hoodlesshunter We had our triplets first, then almost ten years later, we had twins.

I can't even imagine it the other way around and so close together, too. You, my friend, are a %&$#-ing superhero!!