I thought twins where bad but triplets are worse

@hoodlesshunter So I did this thing where I sat for 4-6 months doing almost nothing but watch tv, color, play blocks and entertain an older kid or the older kids* while rotating the twins on my boobs. I don’t think I even waited for them to get hungry! I just kept nursing and nursing so there wouldn’t be any fussing. I didn’t work 100% because one was sensitive to dairy the other eggs, so I had to eliminate that but one we did- smoother sailing. Any help was to clean up the house, cook for me, do store runs or take big ones to/from school or playground or just wherever. I didn’t really take care of myself at all then until they were able to be in their play stations, jumperaroos and the like for 10 mins at a time. Then someone else could give smashed foods, a little water and let them watch tv while playing so that I could shower, nap etc. but it took 6 or so months for that.

Oh and the most milk I was able to pump was during let downs!! The forceful milk that the babies can’t stand is the best time for pumping a lot really quickly. Also a hospital grade pump to get the most out of your boobs. And congrats congrats congrats! So happy to hear baby C is able to hear now!
@hoodlesshunter Holy moly. I can't even imagine. We have 5 MO old twins, a 9yr old, and a 2.5 yr old. Hang in there and sending good vibes your way that your trio start sleeping thru the night around 3 or 4 months. God speed. But just think about the amazing family time you are going to have for the rest of your life! Kids are awesome (babies are hard). Enjoy the moments you can and hand in there!
@hoodlesshunter Credit to you, I couldn’t imagine the trauma you must be feeling, twins babies were hard with my 2 older kids , twin toddlers bearable, adding triplets into the mix, would have broke me, you sound like you’re surviving, hats off to you, and chins up not long until you’re through the worst of it!
@hoodlesshunter YOU. ARE. AMAZING.

That's all I got. I can't imagine being in your shoes and i don't have any advice. I'm just in awe of your ability to keep 6 kids fed and changed and given attention. Wow. I'm so glad y'all are able to hire help so that you can sleep!
@hoodlesshunter Wow! I really have nothing to offer here except that you are a super human, and I’m sending you all the good vibes!

I do have a feeling it’s gonna be rough for a while, but with all of the help y’all have hopefully you’re able to get some rest. Remember, it will get easier. You’re just in the thick of it.