I thought twins where bad but triplets are worse

@hoodlesshunter I’m not a triplet mom but the breastfeeding business sounds absolutely brutal. I was tearing my hair out as a twin mom trying to triple feed them and breastfeeding and it really affected my post-partum experience negatively. When I finally got enough moms telling me “I wish I’d quit sooner” I made the choice to switch to full formula. Quitting was the best decision I made for my mental health. I know you have other kiddos so you’re probably more experience than I—but just in case you needed to hear it—it’s okay to lighten your load and change your mind about breastfeeding if that’s the thing you need to drop.
@hoodlesshunter Having one sitting there crying while the other two eat definitely sucks. Maybe nurse two at once, and the third gets a bottle (whether it's pumped milk, donated milk, or formula). Then rotate each time so they each get a turn having the bottle.

As for people coming over to "help"... Girl you have SIX KIDS. Get that boss voice going and command people to do what you need them to do! You don't have to tolerate that kind of bs.

Also, when people dismiss you trying to talk about your experience giving birth with "but you're okay now", this might just be me but I'd press on with "yes but it was a horrible thing to go through and I still need to process what happened. I was hoping talking about it with friends would be helpful."

For whatever it's worth, this Internet stranger is rooting for you. There's no denying that what you're dealing with now is insanely hard. On the bright side, if you want it, one day your holiday table will be so full of family and love and it'll all be because of your hard work right now. 💜
@hoodlesshunter If you have people in your life offering to help, be specific and tell them exactly what you need! There is also a program that I briefly heard about shortly after leaving the hospital (i dont remember what its called as i never ended up using it) where volunteers come over for an hour or 2 to help new parents of multiples. I would definitely see if there's anything similar in your area if you would be comfortable with that
@hoodlesshunter Holy moly! You are a dang hero! All I can suggest is making a change to formula to help
with the feeds. Or delegate to family. Holding babies is great but not helpful. Washing bottles or doing laundry is helpful.
@hoodlesshunter 1) you’re amaZing. Seriously. Twin parent here. I can’t imagine triplets. 2) out of curiosity, were your triplets conceived naturally? Only reason I ask is because I also have twins (fraternal so there’s supposedly a genetic component there) and want another child but I’m deathly scared of having twins again or even triplets. Seems like everyone I talk to who has multiples after a set of multiples were in for a surprise…
@hoodlesshunter I hate to ask but I’m very curious to know did you guy not think about or discuss how chaotic this would be ? You know twins are hard as it is . But anyways…it is OKAY to just completely STOP what you are doing and go take a breather and reset and give yourself a pep talk before you go back in to doing what you need to do. Have you thought about just pumping ? I exclusively pumped for my twins because it was too hard FOR ME to feed both I couldn’t get comfortable position wise to do it it was unpleasant for all 3 of us and doing one by one just frustrated me because it felt like forever feeding. Also give your self some grace it’s only been a month. You are new to this! Don’t you remember bringing the twins home and having to establish a routine and figuring out what your babies liked and didn’t like? When they were sleepy or not sleepy ? You will just have to do the same with the 3 new babies. It will get better once a routine is established!
@hoodlesshunter Consider formula. First days with twins with colicks didn't make me love them more at all. I felt disconnected and was blaming myself for not producing enough breast milk, which is pretty difficult when you're exhausted and forget to eat. I'm not a superhero mom, and it hit me really hard, it's very difficult to remember those days. It's gonna be hell no matter what, so try to make it as easy as you can. Best of luck!
@hoodlesshunter I just can’t imagine this, and I hope I really really do, that things get better as they get older and you get into routines. I’ve yet to give birth to our twins, and we have ‘only’ a toddler but with three under two I am worried about the next few years haha.
@hoodlesshunter I mean having any more than our twins would have completely killed me... How you are managing 6 children at this point is completely beyond me. You must be supermom.
@hoodlesshunter Oooof and I thought I had it rough! (I had a 2 year old singleton when twins were born).. honestly I don’t know how you do it! Even just having a healthy (and natural!) birth with no NICU time is a hugeee feat (congratulations btw) AND you’re exclusively breastfeeding?! Super mom over here…