I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!


New member
This was WAY outside my comfort zone. But besides a deeply terrifying John candy/Chevy Chase grease fire inside a very small RV it was basically the greatest time of my whole life. 🤣

She’d recently stopped letting me hold her hand, but all that went out the window as she faced the unknowns of sleeping under the stars up in the mountains. And there was no mama to go to for comfort.

It was great to have just one of my kids with me, too. We ate s’mores, hiked trails, watched whales, and I learned the words to every Kidz Bop song ever released.

I’m sad its over. 🥲
@steve2010 This really is the answer.

We got home and she was excited to see Mama, but she wanted me to put her down for bed. She asked me to lay down with her like we did on our trip. And not to leave even after she falls asleep.

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