I just got an IUD and y’all scared me for no reason

@southcountry I 100% agree! I popped advil a hour before and I was in and out within 20 minutes, hardly any pain. I love my copper IUD so much. I've had it for about a month.
Reddit scared me so bad. I think I'll make a post about my experience as well.
@james990 Hi! I'm thinking of getting one and all these comments are freaking me out. It sounds like you had a good experience would you share in more detail how it went and how you feel? Would be great to hear some positive stories 😅
@katrina2017 To preface, I went to a highly esteemed women's clinic in my city and the doctor who inserted the IUD has done it thousands of times, so she was extremely experienced and that was very comforting for me.

Getting my Kyleena IUD was uncomfortable, for sure, took 2 500mg Ibuprofen beforehand and felt a lil funny for the first few weeks. There was some bleeding and some discomfort of feeling like there was something inside me, but 7 months later and I'm SO unbelievably happy with my choice!

I either get no period or very light periods, sometimes there'll be cramping but nowhere near as bad as when I had regular periods. I don't have to worry about missing a pill, or paying for insurance to get subsidized birth control or traveling to a different country and messing with timing the pill properly due to time zone differences.

Sex is still sometimes a bit uncomfortable, and my partner feels it sometimes, but we're both happy with the peace of mind it gives us as well :) honestly the horror stories are just more vocal than the good stories!
@southcountry I am glad your experience was much better than mine, but I honestly wished someone had told me about their stories before I got mine. Mine was bad it ended up getting removed after infections, constant bleeding and horrible pain.
@southcountry Thank you, yea and it cost 800.00. The thing is there is no "one fits all" for birth control and if you don't try you won't know if it works for you. Thankfully years later I found the arm implant and I think its a keeper. Which is good because I have been trying different methods for 15 years.
@cirtex Holy shit. Sorry for the super late reply but that’s terrible. It seems pretty barbaric for women to have to pay for birth control when for a lot of people, it’s the only thing that keeps a sense of normality in their life. This makes me really thankful to live in the UK. I can’t imagine having to pay that amount of money just to find it doesn’t suit you. I’m glad you found a good one now.
@cirtex Insertion didn’t hurt me one bit. It was the infections and interstitial cystitis that developed afterwards for me that put me in constant pain. And the months of bladder instillations after removal weren’t fun either.
@southcountry Welcome to the Kyleena club! I've had mine for just over 6 months. Made the stupid move of having mine put in the night before halloween... when I still needed to get candy and the last bit of decorations... I had a lot of cramps through the day (no surprise), and after a few days of alternating advil, T1s, herbal teas, and heat and cold packs, it wasn't too bad.
@southcountry I took 400 mg of ibuprofen an hour ahead of time and it was super painful, they couldn't find the opening of my cervix and didn't want to make a hole. I tried using mifepristone and went back for another appointment and they still couldn't do it. I guess I have a wonky, stubborn cervix. Ot was pretty painful both times. It started off like cramps, but then got worse than any cramps I've ever felt. So now I have another appointment scheduled to do it in an operating room. I'll be unconscious for it, which I'm super happy about lol
I haven't seen anyone else talk about getting it done in an operating room before though
@southcountry My experience was also pretty decent. I was also terrified after reading all the posts on here. It was not bad at all. The worst of the paid was when they opened the umbrella and it was about 15 seconds. I was poked by me strings for a bit after insertion and it was bothersome. But overall it was not as bad as everyone said. I think we tend to report in the bad things rather than the good. Think about it, most people in review places when they have angered or upset by them. So take everything by a grain of salt. The more nervous you are the harder the process will be.
@southcountry Thank you for sharing your positive experience! I was lucky to have a pain-free experience and no matter how many times i tell my friends it wasn’t a horror story, they won’t believe me because of all the scary stories they’ve heard online. Such a shame because I love my IUD!
@southcountry I had a similar experience. I took Two robaxacet I think before going and maybe two Tylenol or Advil (it was three years go) and that was sufficient. Also got the Kyleena. I waited too long before taking anymore pain killers so when the cramps set in they were really bad but the actual process of having it out in was quick and not very painful, just uncomfortable. The gyno and her assistant were so good with distracting me but still Informing me as they were doing the insertion. Overall a decent experience though. I was scared too after reading posts on reddit but honestly wasn’t as bad as what I’d read. I’m glad you also had a not too bad experience!
@southcountry Totally depends on your body/cervix. I was in and out in 5 minutes, went to work right afterwards, and only had mild cramps (compared to my usual period cramps it wasn't ANYTHING). My good friend had terrible cramps and insertion was so painful she called me to drive her home and barely managed to move around for a few days. The horror stories are horrible but it's not every experience. Just like any other bc everyone needs to get the right info and make their own decisions with their doctors!
@southcountry I’m glad your experience was good! I got my Paragard (cooper IUD) inserted 4 months ago. I remember I was so scared going to the office, I was shaking and my hands were sweating. I took one 800mg ibuprofen like 30 minutes before my appointment at Planned parenthood. The actual insertion hurt, I’m not going to lie, but my pain wasn’t anything like what other people experienced. I know I felt light headed for like 10 minutes after the insertion, they gave me some caprisun and I got better. The cramps were uncomfortable during the first week but nothing a nice heating pad and laying down couldn’t help!

I hope everything goes well the months to follow while your body adjusts to your IUD :)
@southcountry It’s different for everyone. I don’t like that people were purposely trying to scare you out of it by sending you iud horror stories, but don’t discount others experiences. It has the potential to be a very bad time.
@southcountry Mine wasn’t too bad either. It felt like little painful jabs of electricity tbh but it was tolerable. I was actually more uncomfortable when my gyn was fishing around trying to get the strings the right length. I took 800 of ibuprofen and 1 mg Ativan in the car on the way (I wasn’t driving). I wish more people would share positive stories because I almost got scared away too. I’ve had it 3 years. Baby free, nearly nonexistent period. I will be getting one put right back in when my 5 years are up. No ragrets ;)
I should add I was prescribed misoprostol the night before and the pain from that medication was almost unbearable. Way worse than getting my iud placed. Anyone else have that experience? I was dying overnight.
@southcountry Glad to hear! I had Mirena put in back in August mostly because of uterine fibroids that were causing a lot of pain/bleeding. I literally would fill the diva cup every 50 minutes for 24 hours straight on the second day. On the fourth day, I would get pain so bad from clotting that I would look like someone threw a bucket of water on me from all of the sweating, and I would vomit like crazy. I lived like that for 6 years. I had to plan my life around my periods, because I knew there were always going to be at least 2 days every month where I couldn't leave the house.

I had assumed this was just how it was going to be until my mom convinced me to go to the gyno. I'm so flipping happy I did, because Mirena has 100% given me my life back. Did it hurt like hell? Yup. Especially since on the first attempt, the damn thing came back out with the little pole they use to insert it. I was like "dafuq? I have to do this twice in a row??" I remember at one point wanting to kick my Dr in the face because of the pain. But when it was over, it was over. I had it done while I was on my period, which I've heard is ideal. After, the room looked like a damn crime scene, and I tried to wipe up all of the blood, but I'm sure they've dealt with it before. I had slight cramping for the first few weeks, but nothing compared to what I'd been dealing with for years.

Now, I rarely have periods, my emotions aren't crazy, I haven't gained any weight, and best of all PAIN FREE. I never thought I would be this happy with an IUD, but this is the right solution for me.