I just got an IUD and y’all scared me for no reason


New member
So in the week leading up to me getting an IUD, even just hours before people were sending me posts from this subreddit with horror stories about getting the IUD and how painful it is. So bad I was ready to bite the cancelation fee and cancel the appointment, I’m here to tell y’all it’s not that bad.
First off— ask your doctor for Xanax, one pill is literally 35 cents if you have insurance, and most people if they’ve never taken it the lowest mg is the enough. It was for me. Take the Xanax an hour before, I promise you it’s fine. Take 400 mg of ibprofun before you go in, my gyno told me 800 but that seemed high. It’ll help with the cramps
The process:
You disrobe from the bottom down.
They put you into stirrups and the spread you pretty far, there’s a bit of pressure and yes it’s uncomfortable but it’s not painful.
The device used to put in the IUD is long and thin, it doesn’t feel like much until it hits the cervix. YES that hurts— I’ve heard it compared to being hit by a bus and gang banged and that’s not at all how it felt for me, don’t let the scary stories bog you down or scare you away from it. At least In my experience, it was uncomfortable and hurt for literally 10 seconds. And you’re done.
That’s it. It takes maybe 5 minutes.

Make sure to have Advil or something with you after for the pain you will cramp, I personally am use to horrible cramps so it’s not as bad for me. I’ll report back in two days if I’m still cramping, because some people say it lasts for a few days.

Source of this experience? I had my IUD put in 30 minutes ago, it’s all very fresh.

Also I got the Kyleena which is the small hormonal one

Edit: my friend reminded me I left out one key detail my gyno let me be on the phone so I was sexting during it to relax me — do it if you can
@southcountry Glad you’re sharing a positive iud insertion experience! I cancelled my appointments twice because I read horror stories before and got too scared. The third time I refused to read anything negative and only read positive experiences.
My boyfriend gave me one of his oxycodones and I took 800ml ibuprofen. Went and got my copper iud inserted and it really wasn’t that bad at all! I had expected the worst pain of my life but it was a little uncomfortable for 15 seconds or so and then it was over!

Had cramps on and off for a week and now over a month since insertion I love my iud and I’m so happy I got it! More positive iud stories needs to be shared. Good luck with yours!
@southcountry Some people are very lucky. I took pain killers an hour before and it didnt seem to help at all, and spent the next 3 days cramping and bleeding before having a month long period. I do have the mirena though, which is bigger than the kyleena
@losguy Yep, same here. I took 800mg of ibuprofen and I think an ativan about 30-45 mins before going in. Just them dilating my cervix and measuring my uterus was incredibly painful. Insertion was even worse; it was a sharp stabbing pain. I have a high pain tolerance but that was some of the worst pain I've felt. I couldn't move for about 20 minutes after insertion so I laid there and then had to drive myself home. Every bump in the road made the pain worse.

Like you, I cramped for about 3 days. I stayed on the couch or in bed, barely ate, and barely slept because of how much pain I was in. It was like a constant intense cramp. Because of that, I couldn't even stand up straight when I needed to walk to the bathroom or bedroom.

It's great that some women experience very little pain when getting an IUD but for others, it's hell.
@katsu I had a similar experience! Also have a high pain tolerance but omg it was awful to the point I wondered if I should go to the emergency. Thank goodness it's better now but I'm not going to forget that pain.
@greatlyempoweredtv I love my IUD now, because I don't get a period (Mirena), but my husband almost forced me to go to the ER that first and second day because I couldn't even walk without feeling like I was going to pass out. I kept telling him that the stories made it seem normal, and now I'm glad I did it (I was fine after day 3)
@katsu The worst for me was the dilating too, plus that huge pinching feeling for the actual insertion. I swear I could feel it inside me for weeks after
@losguy Which type of pain killers did you take? Do they help relieve pain normally?

For example, I know I cannot take opiates as they won’t do anything for me. I’d be in the exact same amount of pain if I took morphine as if I didn’t. On the bright side, I can’t OD on them or get addicted either! I have a genetic mutation that makes any and all opiates useless for me though. They’re just flushed right out of my system.
@kymbola I took a muscle relaxant with ibuprofen which usually works for me, especially with the migraines and such that I get. Ended up taking cbd later that helped more
@southcountry I’m glad you had an easy experience. I’d rather be overprepared for little pain than underprepared for major pain... I went in there expecting it to feel like “heavy period cramps” at worst, but even on 2 Midol it turned out to be the most painful experience of my life. I almost blacked out and threw up.
@tentgal I definitely felt like throwing up after, I think it has to do then hormones, but I managed to keep it in! My doctor also told me to make sure I eat 30 minutes before hand and I wonder if that helps?
@tentgal I almost passed out when I got mine. The doctor had to call in a nurse to make sure I didn’t slump off the table mid insertion. After the fact she explained that my cervix was apparently being stubborn, so she had to be quite forceful. Manipulating the cervix, especially forcefully, can cause a vasovagal response. That essentially can make you pass out, lucky me. The cramps were also very similar to the ones I experienced during early-ish labor several months ago when I had my daughter. I also hadn’t been advised to take any ibuprofen before, so that would have helped a bit but not much in my case.
@southcountry I'm happy to hear your experience wasn't traumatic! Just please keep in mind that not everyone has the same pain tolerance or reaction to these things. I took painkillers and CBD before I started and I almost passed out while they were only opening my cervix. Congratulations on the successful insertion! :)
@ironsheik7 Yes! I blacked out first attempt, and almost vomitted the second time (successful, but at what cost). I took 800mg ibuprofen and was prescribed misoprostol. We learned I may have a few issues related to my reproductive system, so that could be it, but I have a pretty high pain tolerance and it was still a nightmare!
@southcountry My experience wasn’t terrible either they gave me Ativan and I was good to go lol. I wouldn’t say unbearable, but definitely hurt for a minute while I was being dilated and then inserted it. Recovery was super fast too! Glad your experience wasn’t one of the bad ones.