I hate my iud lol


New member
Yes, it has kept me from getting pregnant so it is doing its job.
Big TMI warning lol

I got my Mirena iud inserted after having a c section. I bled for about 6 weeks which is normal and then didn't get a period for about 6 months. Thats it. It came back and is still the same as it ever was except my cycles are SO weird. Sometimes I get 2 a month, sometimes it will start and come back within 2 days. I spot ALL the time. One day I was literally standing in the bathroom and started gushing blood (tmi sorry)
The strings fell out sometime within the first year. So that combined with the random bleeding and severe cramps I occasionally get has caused at least 3 trips to the hospital and a couple of ultrasounds to make sure it hasn't moved.

I've had it for just over 5 years and finally decided to get it removed. Was that easy? Like everything else, no. I made the appointment and sat there for 20 minutes trying not to scream as she (tmi once again) dug around in my cervix trying to get it out because there are no strings to pull. So, now I'm on a list to have it surgically removed which could take up to 9 months. I'm 6 months in.

Don't even get me started on the hormonal acne either..
@templedweller91 I hated my IUD as well. I had Mirena too. I had mine in for a total of 5 months. During that 5 months I continued to bleed heavily, even though I was promised I wouldn’t have my period. Intimacy was EXTRMELY painful. It felt like one of my ovaries was continually being stabbed, even after it was over. After 5 months of being able to feel it poking most of the way through my cervix (even though I was told it shouldn’t do that and I should just feel the strings), I ripped it out myself.
@templedweller91 I hated mine! I begged to have it removed and every doctor basically refused. I was stuck for 4 years. It gave me alcohol intolerance so I couldn’t drink anymore and I couldn’t eat red meat or tomatoes (weird combo, I know) without severe pain. Once I finally got it removed by a doctor who was a ‘girls girls’ shall I say, I have felt SO much better and can now drink and eat red meat! It also gave me terrible cysts that got so big that they ruptured and I was out of work on two separate occasions for them. Again, I begged to have it removed and instead they put me on another form of birth control (the pill) on top of my IUD and that was also terrible!!! I’m sorry to hear you have this experience and I hope you can get it removed soon!
@icetiger100 That is so insane!! Ugh. I feel for you. It's given me cystic acne as well. Combine that with me compulsively picking my skin and I've been left with acne scars. Alcohol intolerance is wild, I've never heard of that!
Thankfully I got a call from the clinic today to schedule my surgery!! I missed the call (of course) so hopefully I'll find out tomorrow when it is.
@icetiger100 What?? That’s so strange. Getting my IUD out in hopes of getting rid of some strange symptoms that are happening to me too. Don’t mean to be TMI, but did the meat/tomatoes affect your stomach? My problem is that things are making me more nauseous than before 🫠
@templedweller91 I have people pleaser tendencies and even if my bf said no need for an iud,i was considering getting one so he enjoys even more . But then posts like you show the reality and im so greatful 😭🤍🤍🤍
@templedweller91 I won't say I hate my Mirena but it definitely makes my life hell at times. Random spotting since I got the damn thing. I bled for 18 days after the insertion, I get weird periods and the cramps feel like someone is poking me with a sharp stick. I'm not at the point where I want to have it removed but I'm certainly reading up on other forms of bc. Though it's unfortunate, I'm so glad to hear that other people are having similar experiences because I was beginning to think I was one of the only people struggling through these side affects