I caught my 13 year old boy calling a little girl a “b***h”

@ramona78 lol what the fuck? he called this girl a bitch because he was jealous she gave his friend a hug and then didn’t answer his call.

He needs to learn he doesn’t lay claim to any girl and should not name call them when he doesn’t get the attention he desires.

To imply this is somehow moms fault because she punishes him for bad behavior is pretty wild.
I knew I was going to get down voted af for this opinion. But saying things like ‘I don’t know where it come from’ come on. Parenting involves taking credit for the bad, not just the good.
Kids are going to call each other names. I’m just saying that maybe instead of loosing it over ‘bitch’ maybe help navigate his feelings on why he thought it was okay. It should be safe to feel anger and jealousy. Very human feelings, but the kid just needs help managing them.
@stevenify The boy is obviously having a trust issue with the girl he thought liked him then his mom found out about it and instead of teaching him to talk about his feelings just got mad at him for saying a “bad word”. Now he probably REALLY doesn’t trust women.
That doesn’t sound like how you teach boys to respect or understand women if you’re not respecting or understanding where he’s coming from. Unfortunately it will probably happen again. Taking his phone away doesn’t stop him from feeling some type of way towards that girl and it doesn’t solve the jealousy issue he’s having with his friend. The phone the mom can control but the son once he’s at school/away from her? Goodluck.
Lecturing someone and yelling at them when they’re already upset especially a teenager who barely understands the feelings he’s having in the first place seems counterproductive.
@georgiana You need to sit down with him when you are calm and have a conversation about respecting women whether they like you back or not and how to handle rejection and that is everyones right to reject another person's romantic interest for any reason. And that doesn't mean its personal, or that their is anything wrong with him. You want to make sure he doesn't end up on r/niceguys
@georgiana Consent is an important subject even this early. So is the conversation about images and conversations being outside of his control once sent. And although I would not stress the biblical reference but instead talk about what makes a person good and decent. The golden rule exists in multiple cultures all over the world because it is the measuring stick that translates well all over. And lastly, of you feel like you wouldn’t want everyone including your mama or your grandparents hearing about what you said or did, maybe it’s beat not to say or do that anymore.