Caught Herpangina from my kids

@swiftbreeze Being sick while traveling/vacation is a whole new level of suck! Glad to hear the worst was over after four days. I got hit harder than my kids too haha. Glad they didn’t have to go through the throat pain (rather me than them!)
@mohmann Hi, how did it went for you? Hoping that everything is well now. I’m having the same issues right now and I think we got it from my 5 yr old daughter’s school but she’s mild and almost asymptomatic (thankfully). Now me, my 1 yr old and husband are infected. It sucks that I can’t do anything aside from wait the time to pass. I can’t imagine the pain my 1 yr old is going through right now since she can’t put it into words yet. 😭
@confusedrc Ugh that sounds miserable, sorry you are dealing with this. If I recall correctly by the two week mark I was fully recovered. It felt like forever while I was going through it though. Hoping you recover quickly!
@confusedrc This is my fourth time getting this painful ass virus so any questions you may have I can help. That includes prescriptions that have helped me best and just overall what to do and not to do. My first time around I had braces so it was 100x worse with my lips getting cut every single minute. Not sure exactly how I keep contracting this virus tho because I went 17 years of my life without it and now in the last 4 years I have gotten it 4 times.
@thegospel4ever Oofff, 4th time??? I thought you can build immunity to this? I can’t imagine it recurring again. Even once it already feels like a torture! 😅 My lips are so chapped now that they hurt. Please do share some of your tips it would mean so much. 🙏🏼
@confusedrc Exactly what I thought. It’s really weird considering I never had it as a kid, only now. Yeah I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Please use some aquaphor lip balm, that didn’t seem to irritate it and only repaired my lips. Also, I got prescribed a magic mouthwash and also a steroid that helps reduce the spreading/viral. I’m on day 4 just receiving these things because I thought I could be tuff and go without them hahah. Never doing that again but I wouldn’t try eating anything for a while. You’ll have some in the back of your throat that will sit there till the very end and sting you. Best bet is keep drinking a lot of water if possibly and try milk/ice cream. Those helped earlier but just kinda make it irritated for me now. It’s not a lot but it’s a lot more than I knew at first. I went to 5 different doctors and all prescribed me different things. Granted the magic mouthwash always being the same. If you don’t have that yet I highly recommend! Also, don’t try and use any mouthwash/salt water, it will spread the virus throughout your mouth. It’ll feel good for 5/10 mins till you see new spots emerging.
Also, if you feel the water not burning anymore in the back of your throat you should be on your way to recovery. All the big pain is trying to eat food after with small spots. It will get reiritated. Won’t get nearly as big in your mouth but you will feel it for a couple more days. Try going without eating hard food for like 2 weeks depending on your pain!
@thegospel4ever You’re right, we’re using salt water but it doesn’t help much and just a very temporary relief. I’m lucky enough I don’t have anything in my throat but my husband does but those in my tongue are the bother lol! We also find that ice cold water helps to relieve the burn while we can hydrate 😆 I appreciate the tips we would surely give it a try!
@confusedrc Please use the magic mouthwash if anything. If you can set up a doctors appointment I promise you it’s worth the money. Instant relief in the mouth if you been having problems with it. Completely numbs the mouth, it’s a lifesaver. Thank you as well! I hope you two start to feel better soon!

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