I am right at 165 pounds and took a plan b yesterday..i’m scared


New member
I have heard that sometimes it doesn’t work for people that are 165 and now I am worried. I took it like 40 minutes after having unprotected sex so I have that advantage??

EDIT TO ADD MORE INFO: I was within my fertile window when this happened, approximately 3 days before ovulation.
@randybrice It can be less effective, but it’s not always less effective. You took it within the time frame and it will likely work for you.

However, the effectiveness is more impacted by where you are in your cycle. If you are about to or actively ovulating, then it can fail.

Anecdotally, I took Plan B when I was 200+ pounds, high BMI, and never had it fail me.

I do want to add, if you’re taking Plan B, please work out a first line of pregnancy prevention. Plan B is really hard on your system and hormones, and should not be your go to; it’s a safety net.
@christinme7734 yeah it was a one time thing, we were extremely stupid and are feeling really idiotic today for that mistake. i track my ovulation and in the heat of the moment forgot that i am about to ovulate in 3 days until after the act was finished. idk how i could’ve forgotten! i’m beating myself up about it
@randybrice It is less effective, but taking it was still the right choice. If you can’t risk a pregnancy at all you could consider having an IUD (Paraguard, Mirena, Liletta) placed within 5 days as emergency contraception.

In the future, EllaOne would be a better option as long as you’re not on hormonal birth control. Do not take EllaOne now as it will counteract with Plan B.
@randybrice Plan B is considered slightly less effective over 165 lbs. Slightly less effective doesn’t mean it won’t work :) Wait 21 days and take a pregnancy test to follow up.
@randybrice It's better to depend on your BMI for this rather than the exact number on the scale. A 5 feet person being 150 and a 5'6" being 165 are not going to have equal protection from plan b. In fact the latter is probably going to have a better chance of plan b working.
@randybrice i weigh 180 and plan b worked for me :) mistakes happen and youve done what you can do now to prevent pregnancy. as hard as it is, try not to worry and take one step at a time. and remember youre more or less at risk depending on when you are ovulating too. but i would say by taking the pill in the proper timeframe, the odds are in your favor.

also! you may know this already, but a part of how plan b works is by significantly affecting your hormones so you may experience emotional lows or feelings of depression and anxiety for a little bit. it can also cause your next period to be early or late. everyone has a different experience, but it's good to be aware of this!

best of luck!
@lorilyons6 Unfortunately, they cannot take EllaOne after taking Plan B. EllaOne interrupts how progesterone works in the body. As a result, it cannot be used alongside Plan B or any other hormonal birth control. They’ll basically cancel each other out, increasing your overall risk of pregnancy. In the future though it is a better option.

ETA: also important to know EllaOne is less effective if you weigh over 195lbs. Planned Parenthood recommends an IUD (Paraguard, Mirena or Liletta) instead as they are not impacted by weight or ovulation.
@blindfaith77 Oh yeah don’t do both. But if you’re concerned about weight take ellaone not planb

Ellaone uk said ellaOne® remains effective for all eligible women regardless of BMI or weight, and we would not recommend a doubling of the dose in any circumstance.
@lorilyons6 You shouldn’t double the dosage but every other source I’ve seen states that after 190lbs EllaOne will lose a significant amount of efficacy. Considering clinical studies are usually only conducted on people with a normal range BMI I’m more inclined to trust third-party studies over the company. I would recommend anyone over 190lbs opt for an IUD if possible and only use EllaOne if they have no other option.
@randybrice I’m about 255 and I’ve taken plan B 3 times now, all times have worked. Now, whether we got lucky all 3 times is a different question.

But so far, we’re just gonna go with it worked as on my first one; I didn’t have any significant side effects.

My second one; it definitely made me more moody.

This last one I took, god I thought I was dying. I had my period 2 weeks early, I was moody, and everything hurt. But, I’m not pregnant so 🤷🏻‍♀️
@randybrice Consider getting on some sort of birth control, if insurance or money is an issue, your local free clinic can provide the pill, not judging what so ever, trying to help for the future if you want to continue having intercourse
@randybrice Oh girl I understand! I was on the pill for 5 years when o was a teenager and there were no big side effects for me. I was dumb and stopped taking the week long sugar pill and that messed with my hormones, just follow any birth control instructions and you’ll be okay! On the pill, don’t miss one day, that’s how I was created lol