I’m tired, y’all


New member
Sick 2 year old + sick mama + 4 month old twins + an epileptic dog having active seizures = husband calling in sick tomorrow.

This gets easier at some point... right ?! 😅
@rivka My husband called in sick two weeks ago to give me a mental health day. I had an appointment with my therapist already, but started having a near panic attack realising I wouldn’t be home to let the cleaners in and I’d be rushing to get our sons to swimming. It’s so worth having an extra set of hands sometimes.

I’m only three months further into this than you, but they’re getting close to sleeping through the night. Our two year old is sleeping most of the time, so I’m looking forward to our boys getting there. It has to get easier.
@rivka You’re welcome. It really is hard some days. Also, I hope your dog gets better. That’s so sad, I hate to imagine what you’re going through with that. Pups are family too! Our kelpie is six and she’s still my big baby.
@thisguy64 Almost halfway there 🥱
& thanks :) Luckily we have some medication on hand to help manage her symptoms and make her more comfortable till she is back to normal. Thank god it wasn’t a severe episode this time.
@rivka After 4 months (adjusted) is when it started to become a bit easier for us. A corner was turned once we were out of the “fourth trimester”. But I feel you, I got so sick that I wound up in the hospital early in month 4. It was such a low point and felt so impossible!! Like I thought It was hard and exhausting before, but that experience completely knocked me down physically and emotionally. But push through, you will get on the other side!!!

We just did our first nights of sleep training (5.5 months) and I’m starting to go out with the babies on my own (successfully!) and life suddenly is seeming more manageable! And fun! And more restful!
@rivka You bet! It’s nice when other people really get it. Twins is a whole other ball game!! and when you have extra stress on top of it, it can feel truly impossible! But somehow we get through! Wishing you luck and hoping your pup improves too - so hard to watch seizures. Take care 💗
@rivka I’m right there with you. 3 month old twins and 20 month old toddler, plus migraines. We’ll both get through this! I aim for safe, clean, and fed most days. If I can keep them happy, too, then that’s a bonus.
@rivka It gets easier - mine will be 4 yrs old next month. We sleep trained and put them on a schedule at 4.5 months and it was a life save for us. It is super hard and first year was definitely a big blur (and we only had our twins). Hang in there!!!
@rogerionus Thank you! We separated them early on because of how much they were waking each other up. Now my daughter tends to sleep through the night and my son doesn’t. So just trying to figure out how to handle that.
@rivka My twins have decided to wake up every 2 hours at night now that I've gone back to work...fun times!!! The nuts thing is that I'm used to this schedule, so it isn't as bad as the first time! And today I put on makeup and curled my hair! Some days are easier than others, don't mistake a bad day/week/month for a bad life!
@katrina2017 I was just talking to my husband about this last night! I said ya know, before we know it they’ll grow up too fast like our toddler and it brought tears to my eyes💔
@rivka I also did not mean to say that!! Just want to reiterate - "this too shall pass" ...the hard parts are temporary, it's all temporary!! You are doing a great job!