I’m so jealous of other pregnant women’s relationships


New member
I don’t feel heard. I’ve been begging for help. Help with the housework. Help with the other kids. I can’t work super often due to not having childcare or a support system. I don’t have much family or friends. He works his full time job M-F and then part time after that on Monday-Wednesday. I’m 35 weeks pregnant and just don’t feel like I can do it all. He doesn’t think taking care of the kids is a job. Yet, he bitches up a storm when I do work and he has to stay home. Says it’s so difficult and the kids are being horrible, blah blah. I’m just so damn jealous of all these women I see that are pregnant where their partner is bending over backwards for them. I’ve been begging for a back rub for months. Nothing. I’ve asked him simple things to help get ready for baby and they don’t happen. He doesn’t even want to feel my stomach when she moves cause “it feels weird and creepy.” I’m so heartbroken. I just want to feel appreciated. Instead I get comments on how I didn’t clean the house today. I asked for a back rub tonight. He replied, are you gonna suck my d***? I don’t want a back rub with stipulations. I’m fucking sore. I don’t even have the energy to take care of myself anymore at this point. He complains he isn’t getting enough sex but how can I put out when I feel so lonely? I’m not getting what I need from him and he doesn’t understand or care. I’ve explained it over and over. I need more non sexual intimacy and interactions from him. But it’s all about sex in his eyes. I understand it’s a need for him and important to him. But how do I put out when I’m not turned on in the slightest by him at the moment? He always has some excuse as to why he can’t do this or that for me. I just don’t understand why I’m not worthy of some extra attention while I’m growing us a child. My mind feels so fucked up. I’m nervous about how it will be when baby does come. Makes me feel like he’s gonna do the bare minimum when she is finally here. He even told me that he’s not gonna stay in the hospital the whole time we’re there. I’m having a scheduled c-section so it will be a 2-3 day stay. He thinks I should exclusively breastfeed and I don’t want to. Ugh, I’m just at a loss. I’m sick of being so envious of other women getting the extra love they deserve. It just doesn’t feel like he truly cares.
@stronzo I say this with so much love - this man does not know how to show you the kind of love you need. He is selfish. He only wants to show the kind of love HE needs. He will not change, and in fact, he will probably become even more set in his ways. He should not treat you like a burden; you deserve respect and to be heard (pregnant or not).