@kath26 You are a person, and your feelings are valid. A crying baby is bothersome. How you choose to react to this situation is what defines your character.
It appears that you are rising to the challenge. Good for you. It is okay to be tired and miserable from the effort. It is okay to want it to end (it is not okay to harm the baby to make it end just to be clear, and also to be clear I am not making an accusation).
Your baby is learning at this time. He is learning that when he has a need that he should cry and you or your wife will meet that need. This is an extremely important life lesson for him to learn, and will help him be a fully functional well adjusted adult. You are investing in your relationship with your son. It is not just a miserable experience that you have to slog through. It is a valuable time to invest in your child. This investment has a cost though, and it is okay to wish that the cost was lower. Just like you would not be a bad dad for wishing private tutoring for your child was less expensive.
It has helped me to reframe my thinking from how gross and horrible diaper changes are, or how much sleep I would rather have than get up an feed my baby to why I am doing these things. I do these things to support my wife that I love. I also love the baby, but not in a mushy joy warmly radiates through my body sort of way. Well at first. I am sitting at 11 weeks now, and I catch those little smiles and happy baby noises. Yeah that is the good stuff.
I take breaks to run errands just to be away from the crying. Sometimes after everything that can be done has been done and the crying continues, the baby just needs to go in his crib in another room to cry there.
Self care is important. If you are stressed, then that transfers to the baby. Also if the baby is stressed that transfers to you. Unfortunately only you have learned to cope with the stress. You are now coping for two (actually three because your wife is also stressed by the baby). There will be moments where she is completely exhausted and upset, and you will need to carry the emotional load of all three of the family. This is hard. It can only be sustained for short amounts of time.
Hopefully you have family or friends that are willing to help out. Accept help from people that you trust. It can be as simple as they come to your house, so that they can hold the baby. Look at your priorities. Drop anything that isn't really important. Get rest effectively. Find something that makes you feel good. Don't know where you are healthwise, but I choose to eat a junk food snack. It triggers all my happy brain chemicals and is something that I enjoy. Maybe for you it is a quick five minute walk, shooting some baskets in the driveway, a round or two of video games, watching sport highlights. It does not really matter what the thing you do actually is as long as it is quick to do and makes you feel good with low cost.
You are not bad because you don't enjoy this experience. Just like you are not a bad person if you don't enjoy running ultramarathons or eating ghost peppers. There are probably a lot of people that actually loath this phase of child care, most tolerate it, and there are some that enjoy it. Every kid is different, every adult is different, every situation is different.