I’m 9.8 lbs away from my goal, ovulating in a few days…do I try or wait til next cycle?


New member
So, I’m currently 9.8 lbs away from hitting my goal (this will put me at the higher end of a normal BMI). My cycles are about 27-28 days typically, so very regular. I wanted to go into pregnancy at least with a normal BMI, hopefully setting myself up for a healthier pregnancy for both my baby and I. I know I technically don’t know how long it will take me to conceive, as this would be my 1st and I have never actively tried to get pregnant before. So my question is, should I continue on my weight loss journey, and try next cycle? Or should I try now and keep trying to lose the weight? Please any advice would be much appreciated. Thank u!
@arhcc I wouldn’t wait, personally. 9 lbs when you’re close to normal weight isn’t going to make or break a pregnancy. Would you be happier losing 9 more pounds or happier to possibly see a positive test? I know what I’d choose. Maybe you’d choose differently, and that’s ok too. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@arhcc The dietitian part of my brain is concerned that you are losing 10 lbs a month when so close to normal
BMI range, an amount that most safely and sustainably would take 2.5- 5 months, but that put aside, pregnancy outcomes are nearly identical for people in normal and overweight BMI categories, we only just start to see differences in incidence and outcomes at BMI > 30. So in terms of objective differences, there would not be any measurable differences between starting now or ten lbs from now. But it’s entirely a personal decision that’s up to you and your preference!
@arhcc I’m in a similar place. About 5-10 lbs from “normal” weight for my height. I decided to just start trying, and keep working on my weight until I get a positive test (and even then, keep up good eating habits while pregnant). Who knows how long it’ll take me to get pregnant—this first cycle was already a bust, so I’m glad I’ve kept up my weight loss rather than assuming I’ll get pregnant the first go and planning everything around that.
@justoounes It is nice getting a response from someone in a similar boat as me. Thank u so much for the reply. I think that’s a great idea to keep up with the healthy changes I’ve made, but just go for it. Thank u again❤️
@arhcc You can continue eating healthy and exercising while pregnant. I'm also 10 lbs from my goal and still trying; there will be time postpartum to lose weight again.
@arhcc I just wanted to say congratulations on being so close to your goal! Whatever you decide about when to TTC, this is awesome progress and I hope it continues! There are lots of exercise options that are pregnancy friendly (pilates, Barre, etc). Even if you do get pregnant, there are still opportunities to keep contributing to your improved health.
@arhcc I am/was in a similar boat! I too am on a weighoss journey, trying to get back to a healthy weight after a heavy pandemic weight gain. I really wanted to be at least in the healthy range before trying, but unfortunately am still about 15 pounds away.

I also decided to just go for trying while also continuing on my journey! I figure it will be a good distraction away from all the waiting that comes with TTC, and also gives me something to strive for if TTC takes a few cycles.

Also, I plan to still eat healthy and continue exercising as long as I can while pregnant. I'm hoping that since I have some extra weight on me, I can at least keep an eye on weight gain while pregnant and try not to go overboard (within reason--I understand this may not go according to plan!).

Ultimately totally up to you! If you want to wait to hit this personal goal, that is completely valid and you should go for it. As someone also on the journey, I know 10 pounds doesn't sound like much, but can make all the difference in feeling better. Pregnancy is a wonderful gift, but ultimately still a huge toll on you for 9 months, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to start that journey feeling your best.
@arhcc You may as well go ahead and try, you’ll end up gaining weight from pregnancy anyways. You can always eat healthy and continue exercise (depending on what your doctor says) while pregnant
@arhcc I don’t know if this helps but I am about 10lbs away from also being on the high end of a normal BMI. I am in my ovulation window and while we aren’t taking ovulation tests my partner and I are trying anyway just to see what happens.
@arhcc How old are you? What’s your relationship like? How are your finances?

There are many more important questions here than your borderline normal weight.
@arhcc BMI doesn't mean anything and pregnancy will put that 10 pounds back on you in no time...I don't mean to be unsupportive, but I don't think being 10 pounds "overweight" (again, BMI is an almost useless measure of health) is a reason to not live your life.