Some general background info: My LO was born at the end of July at 32 weeks, and is now 16 weeks (8 weeks adjusted). He came home mid-September after a 7 week NICU stay. I had a traumatic emergency c-section and have only been able to pump 3-6 oz a day since he was born (supplementing with formula), and have never really been able to breastfeed. My sister was pregnant at the same time, we had the same due date, but she made it to full term with my niece, and has been breastfeeding and an oversupply since her LO was born. My mom has driven to where my sister lives every week to help her, because she is in law school.
As I’m sure all of the other parents in this group understand, it’s the middle of RSV season. Even if it wasn’t, my baby lacks many of the normal newborn antibodies from third trimester development, vaginal birth, and breast milk diet due to our difficult journey. Because I’ve been so concerned about my baby’s health, I’ve laid out some ground rules for our families to that haven’t gone over very well:
As I’m sure all of the other parents in this group understand, it’s the middle of RSV season. Even if it wasn’t, my baby lacks many of the normal newborn antibodies from third trimester development, vaginal birth, and breast milk diet due to our difficult journey. Because I’ve been so concerned about my baby’s health, I’ve laid out some ground rules for our families to that haven’t gone over very well:
- I essentially never leave the house. My baby stays home with me. I can count on my hands the number of times I’ve left the house since he came home from the NICU 9 weeks ago. I’m about to have to start working again, but I work from home so I’m still trying to limit our germ exposure as much as humanly possible. My family thinks I should be getting out more, that I’m generally being overdramatic about his sensitivity to germs.
- My mom gently approached my aunt (her sister) to ask that she not smoke at mine or my sister’s houses, as I have an immune compromised preemie, and my sister has a newborn. My aunt blew up on our whole family, and hasn’t spoken to anyone in weeks. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, we have no idea if she will be coming. I would guess not.
- My grandmother makes passive aggressive comments about not being able to hold the baby on a semi-regular basis. Which is kind of infuriating, because she has been allowed to hold him more than anyone else so far. She also lives with my aunt, and blames me for bringing up the smoking issue at all.
- My brother in law (17 y/o) was living with my husband and I (long backstory), and when our baby came home from the hospital, I asked that he temporarily stay with his mom while LO builds up his immune system. I explained why this was so important for our baby’s health, as he attends a large public high school and has extracurricular as well as a fast food job working with the public, but he basically left our house and hasn’t spoken to us since.
- Small addition, but if my dad ever comes over to my house, he actively makes no effort to wash his hands. And when I explicitly request that he do so, he is passive aggressive about it the entire time he’s at our house. Washes his hands every 2 minutes, makes comments about germs, etc.