How would you prepare a regular stroller sit for a newborn?


New member
Hello everyone!
I am 35 weeks pregnant with twins, so they are coming soon! And we are having some doubts on how to prepare the regular stroller sit for them when they are newborn.
We know this is not the best setup for that, but we arent that good on money and the lady in the store said we could use this as long as we prepare it right, but didnt told us how to do that, this is how flat you can put it.
This is the stroller and the sits we have, any suggestions? I have tried to look for pics online but found nothing.

Edit: added picture showing how flat we can put it.
@jeaninmt The cybex website says the gazelle x stroller you have is only safe for 6 months and up. You can buy the carry cot/ bassinet for newborns. I am not sure how two carry cots will fit in the pram. Can you go back to the store and ask for help?
@tater27 Yes, that is exactly what I am doing.
They told us to put the sit completely flat and add a blanket or smth but now that we were doing it I just dont see it tbh.
On the web I read from 0 to 4 years
Now i am so confused :_(
@jeaninmt The web says 0 to 4 because with the car seat or cot attachments, you can use it from birth. With the standard seat they have to be able to sit unassisted (generally 4-6 months). There are a few strollers that lay flat to accommodate newborns but they also often require inserts. I have one of the only strollers that you can truly use for a newborn with no extra attachments or inserts (it doesn’t have a double configuration though). It lays 100% flat (not just reclines) and there’s extra fabric by the foot of the seat that folds out and snaps into place to create a bassinet/cot. I would not be positioning loose blankets around newborns that I don’t have constant visual of. I feel like the salesperson overstated the versatility of this stroller to sell you on it.
@jeaninmt If I’m not mistaken there’s still a pretty big dip between the bottom of the seat and the top of the seat. If you try to run your hand from feet to head, can your hand move smoothly or does it kind of bump up when it transitions to the top part of the seat? What also concerns me about the possibility of putting a newborn in this seat is that there are almost no sides on this seat anywhere. I would be worried about them rolling out of the seat and it seems unlikely that the harness would fit a newborn. I know the harness system on my stroller that is made for newborns (in bassinet mode), wouldn’t work for my 8lb 13oz newborn. It relies on the bassinet edges to keep her inside they wiggle around more than you think. I haven’t checked since she was 11lbs but even then the harness system is still too big for her.
@jeaninmt The only thing safe for a newborn is to be lying completely flat in a stroller. Only strollers that state they are safe for infants can be used with newborns. Many are not safe until 4-6 months when baby can sit unassisted. There is a huge risk to positional asphyxiation and suffocation in a stroller not meant for newborns. Many stroller have the ability to purchase car seat holders for newborns. So you can just click their infant car seat into the stroller. This might be an option to look into.
@jeaninmt That would not work safely. And twins are generally very smaller, smaller than the average newborn. You are better off buying the bassinet attachments, or maybe a separate bassinet stroller if it is cheaper to do so. But buckling the twins in that without the side support would not be safe.
@jeaninmt I would go back to the store and try to return it for something that better suits your needs then. Reference that the salesperson told you it would be fine but that that appears to be unsafe advice. I think you’ve gotten good advice on here that it’s not safe, and especially if the details say not to use it until 6 months.
@jeaninmt It doesn't appear from the website that what the store worker described is possible. The only way to use the stroller laying completely flat would be to buy the cots they sell. It doesn't seem to be possible to lay the regular stroller seat flat.
@jeaninmt You would need an infant insert/snug seat to potentially make these infant safe, which Cybex does not appear to make. This is a different stroller brand but it gives you an idea what the infant inserts do and how they are specifically made with each brand to fit exactly within the sit when the sit is fully reclined but not itself alone safe for use with infants. They support the head with the wedges on either side and sometimes have another wedge or thickened padding to lessen the bucket and avoid positional asphyxiation. The saleswoman suggesting a blanket use for what I suspect was her attempt at replicating an infant insert/making a safe surrounding for the baby is out of line and not at all safe.
@veragrag I used this snugseat with my baby in a similar stroller starting at 2 months. He’s on the bigger side tho (around 75% percentile). Not sure how it would work for a smaller baby
@jeaninmt Unless you plan on duct taping the kids down that is not even close to being something that can support a baby. They’re going to roll right off the sides of the seats.