How to prepare 8mo for sleep w/o me at childcare


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My 8 month old daughter will be starting childcare next month when she’s 9 months old. I was furloughed as soon as my maternity leave was over so she’s never been looked after by anyone but me, husband, or his parents. I’ll be starting back at work next month so she’ll start daycare full time (might ease her in a bit and do shorter days the first couple of weeks).

I know starting childcare will be a huge transition in a lot of ways, but I’m most concerned about her sleep. Her and I bedshare at night and we co-nap. She has nursed to sleep since she was born, with the exception of when she’s in her stroller or in the car (where she falls asleep pretty easily with motion). She sleeps in her crib sometimes when I put her down for bed after nursing her to sleep, so she’s somewhat ok with sleeping alone (never sleeps in it longer than 2-3 hours). But I’ve NEVER been able to just put her down in her crib and walk away without nursing, the only times I’ve tried she’s screamed and I’ve not been willing to let her CIO. She also is in a stage right now where she fights sleep hard, even when nursing to sleep with me.

My MIL has been able to get her to sleep for some naps by rocking her with a pacifier, so I know it can be done. But wondering if there’s anything I can do now to prepare her for this transition instead of just dropping her off and saying “good luck!” to the teacher. It breaks my heart to think of her crying for mamma at nap time in a strange place with people wearing masks.

Any advice appreciated, thanks!
@tommyp Speak to your childcare provider about how they
Look after the children.
My lg started at 11 months and my nursery were fantastic. We still bed share most nights now and i still cuddle to sleep.
I explained to the nursery that i gentle parent and went through what we do for naps, refusal of food etc
When it came to naptime they followed what i said.
Meaning that every day they cuddled her to sleep and then placed her in the pram once she was in a deep sleep. A good nursery/ childminder will follow your lead and wishes and not force CIO on parent or child
@katrina2017 Thanks for this. Yes, we have a meeting with the senior teacher in her room before she starts so I’ll bring this up and hopefully they have some ideas for helping her sleep. I’m sure she’s not the first baby to have this issue.
@tommyp Most children adapt fine to daycare and sleeping in a different environment. Babies who are nursed to sleep do just fine if they are rocked or something else. even mine who wouldn't let her dad put her to sleep, did fine at daycare. BUT , daycare needs to be willing to help her. If they cuddle, rock, baby wear, push....her to sleep with support, she will sleep and they may eventually be able to transition her to going to sleep on her own (you'd be surprised what they'll do for daycare teachers and not for us).

In terms of preparing her, short of sleep training, I don't think there's much you can or should do. The environment is different to at home , and she is more likely to accept something different there than at home.
@tommyp I cosleep and nurse to sleep. My son's daycare rocked him to sleep for a long time. He's 19 months old now and puts himself to sleep! Though he still likes to nurse to sleep with me at home. I was worried when mine started. My son was around the same age actually. I read someone say somewhere many months ago that they will adjust to daycare just fine. And I found that to be true.
@gemechu Yes, I think you’re right. I think she’ll probably handle it a lot better than I will, I know I’m going to ball my eyes out when I drop her off. 😭
@tommyp I definitely was crying the first day I dropped my son off! Now he's older and doesn't even say bye as he runs in haha. As long as you have a good daycare I'm sure she will do fine. Good luck!