How to dispose soft poop


New member
Hi! We’re introducing solids and now I have no idea how to deal with poops. She’s been EBF until now. The new poops aren’t firm enough to dispose in the toilet. They’re sticky and sometimes “sandy”.
I use inners and they don’t recommend spraying them before hand…

How are y’all doing it?
@phideltbeers Get a sprayer bidet and a spray pal. Most of them have pretty high pressure and the spray pal protects you and the bathroom from projectile. Usually takes me less than 5 seconds to completely rinse 1 diaper. My baby was also ebf switch to solid food and whole milk, we don't always get a ploppable one, but I swear animal proteins (meat and milk not so much cheese) is what does her poop weird. If you're the same adding in a meatless meal every day has helped "Fibre up" her poops a little.
@phideltbeers Oh maaaaannn the poops over the last few months have become soooo gross. Until about age 13 months 90% of the time we could just plop them into the toilet, and then all of a sudden they became much more like peanut butter on bread. We have a bidet which we use and then plop them in a bucket with some soap till wash time. It’s not fun. I like the idea of an old credit card or a plastic spoon… going to try this.
@phideltbeers We struggled with this for a long time. The disposable liners didn’t even really help because it was so soft. If I could contain it in the liner I would just put whatever I could into a tiny trash can with a lid. However I honestly just had to spray them. I also use inners sometimes and I basically just waited until right before I threw them in the wash (we do a nightly prewash as per CCN) so that they weren’t sitting wet AND poopy all day or several days and it’s really more like a few minutes and they go straight in the prewash. So far I haven’t had an issue but who knows if it’ll cause them to degrade faster. I couldn’t bring myself to just put a ton of poop in the washer.
@phideltbeers Check out the Potty Pail diaper sprayer system. Quite possibly the best $80 we've ever spent. The spray shield bucket sits on your toilet (or in a plastic tray if you need to use the toilet) and has hooks inside so you can let diapers hang dry a bit after spraying, thereby fixing the drippy wet bag/mildewy diaper problem.

Easy to install and remove and durable. It can even double as a makeshift utility sink in a small home for any other gross wash jobs. I'm about to reinstall ours as baby no. 2 just started solids. Our first never had ploppable poops, so we really got our money's worth out of this thing.
@phideltbeers I use an old credit card to scrape it off into the toilet ☺️it gets everything off as you can use the corners of the card to get into all the little creases as well ☺️
@phideltbeers If you can scrape it off when it dries a bit, do that first with toilet paper. Then if there’s a bunch of gunk still, I sloshed it all around d in a giant bucket right before the prewash (I found that spraying/washing right after taking it off just led to a dripping wet bag 🤮

The contents of the bucket got dumped down the toilet
@phideltbeers I also use Esembly inners and it's fine to spray them if you want. I've tried the disposable bamboo liners and they ended up being a big mess.

We're potty training now at 2 years and his poops simply never firmed up. It never ever happened. The pediatrician said he is normal and healthy. I can count the "ploppable" poos we've had in the last year and a half on one hand.

Spraying was fine but I became irritated with how much time it took to really get the fitteds fully sprayed out. Reusable liners worked the best but he had sensitivity to most polyesters that I tried and I got sick of trying new ones. The esembly liners didn't irritate him but they weren't big enough, just like the disposable liners weren't. I ended up dunking and swishing in the toilet bowl. I still used the sprayer propped up to keep enough water flowing into the bowl, this was key as we have small water efficient toilet bowls and the fitted would just sop up all the water and not rinse clean. With the sprayer propped over the toilet I was basically using a makeshift "sink" to then agitate the diaper enough in the toilet to get all the poop off, flush, wring out the diaper and done. I kept a separate zipped wet bag for poo diapers that I would then rinse before starting my wash (I do a prewash once a day or every other) so the diapers weren't sitting sodden.

This worked for us, although I admit the few months or so I was just feeling so over it with the poo diapers. Even putting a disposable on him when I suspected he would poo soon. I so envy people who got ploppable poos, cloth diapering would have been a different ballgame with that in play.
@phideltbeers Dip the diaper in the toilet bowl, swirl it around/scrub what you can off, then wash your hands🤷🏼‍♀️ you're always going to occasionally get some funky/soft poops that aren't going to plop off nicely.