How the f**k do I find a swimsuit?


New member
We are going on a couple of vacations this summer and my body has been WRECKED by two pregnancies in the last two years (one live birth, one miscarriage).

I’m down to 135 lbs at 5’8” but somehow my body proportions are hilarious and it looks like I put my butt on backwards. Plus, I’m actively nursing.

Tell me your favorite swimsuits that are two piece, NOT high waisted (because I don’t need my FUPA made more obvious), and nursing friendly. Bonus points if it makes my butt look like a butt and not a Ziploc baggie full of mashed potatoes.
@annaad0617 Tried on so many swimsuits and I finally said f it im not going to be ashamed anymore... I legit made a brain nervous system and generated a soul. Anyone wants to judge me for destroying my body to make that happen can if they want but at the end of the day im a warrior and this body brought life into the world.

Its hard to get to this place and some days you forget but try to keep it in mind
@joltor0517 I will try that!! I think it's going to be glaringly obvious though either way, when I say one is flat...I mean flat. If you remember before you got boobs and it was just chest? Yeah, like that but a post pregnancy/breastfeeding nipple size -_-
@annaad0617 As a 5’4” 207 pound plus sized woman with a C-section apron belly, I’m so confused about why you feel a high wasted bottom would make your mom pooch more obvious?? Letting it hang out makes it less obvious?? Does it hang over or just stick out? Wouldn’t a high waist suck that in? Truly not meaning this is a rude way. I’ve been your weight before and was really small back then, so I’m at a loss for understanding and picturing what you mean considering I’d expect you to look smaller being 4 inches taller than me. My belly now would literally eat the front of a low rise bikini bottom style. I have no choice about high waisted if I don’t want to show that😅 I can’t help with the bathing suit because I still haven’t found one I’m comfortable in🙃 But, considering your weight and height, I did wanna say it sounds like you could have diastasis recti and could really benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy (all moms could benefit and should be referred immediately after birth honestly) SO many moms struggle with DR and it’s usually the culprit of the mom pooch. Definitely look into it and think about talking to your obgyn about getting a referral. Hope you find something that you feel comfortable and confident in!
@katrina2017 I just started that!

Honestly, it’s that I carry any extra weight in my lower belly (always have) and it’s significantly more pronounced now, so when I wear anything high waisted, it crushes that “fat pouch” in an incredibly uncomfortable way.

I was shocked to see the number on the scale because I haven’t been that weight in years, and none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit.

And I agree with your comment - all women should automatically be referred. I had NO idea about it after I had my first and I suffered with issues for years because of not getting help.
@annaad0617 Oh that’s awesome!! I’m hoping and I can get a referral and my insurance will cover it soon. I wasn’t ready for that step for a while because of some feelings I have about my C-section.

I totally relate about carrying weight in your lower belly. I know for me it’s because I have hypothyroidism. I have a big love/hate relationship with high waisted things lol. Like the way it sucks me in, but it is definitely very uncomfortable. I most only wear high waisted maternity leggings these days because I like how it feels and looks under my shirts and it isn’t uncomfortable. At some point I’m probably gonna switch my jeans and shorts to maternity too. It’s just so much more comfortable and maternity stuff is actually pretty cute these days😂😂

Truly blows my mind the amount of women dealing with problems that PFPT could either resolve or help immensely and instead obgyns are just basically saying “that’s life, come back when you’re done having kids and we’ll do a surgery that may or may not help and you can see a plastic surgeon for a mommy make over”
@annaad0617 I have no suggestions but just stopping by for solidarity. Not that it’s a hilarious matter, but the way you described it is hilarious because it’s sooooo accurate and I can totally relate?