How much time every day for everything?


New member
How much time a day do you
a) work
b) spend quality time for your kids
c) care for kids in other way, like preparing their (own) meals, (breast)feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, comforting at night, keeping them from doing something, making them doing something...
d) any other non-leisure such as cooking/cleaning/laundry, groceries shopping, daycare dropoffs, commuting, doctors appointments,..
e) quality time for yourself (alone, with Partner, with friend, even if just scrolling Reddit of thats what you enjoy)
f) sleep
g) hanging around (maybe before sleeping) not doing anything or browsing something you dont really enjoy, because you are too exhausted, and regretting wasting this time later instead of e.g. reading a book.

I know b) and e) can overlap, but to be honest, for me it is still quite distinct yet with a 1.5 year old and me being someone filling my batteries from alone time.

For me I estimate:
a) 7 hours
b) 1-2 hour
c) 3 hours
d) 3 hours
e) 0-1 hour
f) 6-7 hours
g) 1-2 hours

-> How is it for you, and what are your tricks to have this distributed in a manageable way?
@chickentacossh A) 10

B) 1-2

C) 1

D) 1

E) 1

F) 8

G) 1

I work 4/10 schedule so my work days are vastly different than my weekend. My hour of quality time is the gym. I’d like to have more partner quality time solo, even if that means I get less sleep.
@chickentacossh Mines not very different. I have an almost 3 year old and almost 1 year old. I have recently started listening to audio books. I listen to them when I am doing some of the c items and most of the d items. Which has really been great to get myself back into it because I've always loved to read. But having the time to sit down and read a book and have enough energy to actually stay away while reading it just doesn't happen.
  • a. 8 hrs
  • b. 1-1.5 hrs
  • c. 3.5 hrs
  • d. 2 hrs
  • e. 2 hrs
  • f. 7 hrs
  • g. 1-2 hrs
@chickentacossh I have a 3.5 year old and 13 month old. For c and d I WFH so I try to weave as much of this stuff in between zoom calls as I can, meal prepping, laundry, placing Target pick up orders, etc. Tip/tricks my house is run pretty rigidly, down to which housework/laundry I do one which days of the week, what days I place grocery/amazon orders. My husband and I each take one kid for bedtime and alternate nights, whoever has the younger one cleans our main level toys/kitchen while the other one has the 3 yr old. We basically never let out house get out of control because once it does there's no coming back lol!

A) 8-9 hrs

B) 2 hrs

C) 1 hr (meal prep, bathing, putting them to bed, etc all included here)

D) 1 hr

E) 2 hrs (1 hour of this is working out 5 days/week, I usually do it over my lunch, the remaining time is usually after daycare drop off before I start work. If it's a rest day I usually go for a walk if it's nice out)

F) 8 hrs (this is non negotiable for me, I'm in bed by 10p each night)

G- 1-2 hr (we usually watch a show from 8-10p after the house is clean and the kids are in bed)