How much does your baby eat in a day?


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Baby girl (11 weeks old) usually eats around 26-27 oz in a day maybe 28. This includes an early morning (1-2 am) feed. I’ve tried to get her to eat more in a single sitting but she only eats around 4 oz. If she for some reason goes longer between eating, she’ll eat 5, on a rare occasion, 6 oz. She usually eats between every 2-3 hours. Sometimes in those feeds she’ll only eat 3 oz. The past three days she’s only eaten 23-25 oz but has slept from 9pm- 5am. She is gaining weight fine. Her pediatrician mentioned they usually eat around 28 oz at this age. Is this something I need to worry about or she just eats what she eats and that’s okay? She was born at 41 weeks 9 pounds 1 oz this past week she weighed 12 pounds 7.5 oz. Otherwise in good spirits, eats her bottles efficiently and sleeps great
@augusto I wouldn’t be worried. My five month old just now eats 30 oz a day. She was maybe eating 24 oz a day at 11 weeks old. Every baby is different. If she is gaining weight appropriately I’d try not to worry!
@augusto At that age, my dude was drinking 6-8 oz EASY per bottle every 2-3 hours but my best friends daughter who was 2 weeks younger was drinking maybe 4-6 oz a bottle every 3-4 hours. Every baby is so different! I found his feeds were always so inconsistent at that age - they are going through growth spurts and regressions and just existing as babies. Give it a week and see if she picks up! If shes gaining weight, I wouldn’t worry (or try not to - easier said than done, I know)!
Just wanted to add - the recommendation is not always perfect. My guy was up to 36-40 Oz of formula a day. I had the opposite stress of you where I was late night googling if I can over feed my baby. My doctor simply told me to feed him what he wants. If he wants 40 oz a day, he gets 40 Oz a day. He’s now 10 months and drinks 2 bottles of MAYBE 12-14 oz a day which is now less than recommended but he’s a steady 26 lbs and loves to eat!!
@augusto My five month old barely eats 28oz now! She gets offered a 6oz bottle 5 times a day. She still jumped 2lbs in a month. Your baby is doing super well!
@augusto I also have an 11 week old (born 2/2) who averages 26-27 oz a day. He will drink 4-5 ounces every 2.5-3.5 hours, with one 4 oz feed overnight. Any bottles bigger than 5 oz result in a ton of spitup. He was born at 9 lb 15 oz and most recently weighed in at 14 lbs so he is by no means a small guy.
@bruyas And to show the difference, I also have an 11 week old born on 02/02 and he drinks about 36oz a day. He has 6oz bottles around every 3 hours in the day and then sleeps from around 8:30pm-2am, has a 6oz bottle and then sleeps again until around 6:30am. He was 7lbs10oz when he was born and I haven’t had him weighed recently but he’s growing out of his 0-3 month clothes right now.
@augusto My son is 11 weeks and eats 42-45oz a day but like others are saying, every baby is different! As long as your little one is gaining weight the amount they are supposed to eat is however much they want!
@mike73 Wow I wish my baby did that 😭 he is a week older than yours and only will eat 21-23 ounces a day :( he won’t eat more than 2-3 ounces every 3-4 hours and we struggle to even get 3 ounces in him :( he weighs over 12 pounds tho so the dr wasn’t worried but I can’t help being worried!
@relaxbuddy I totally understand! I was worried that my guy was eating too much and agonizing over it. I try to remind myself that if doctor isn't worried I shouldn't be either. Every baby is so different just like every adult is different.
@augusto My son eats around 30-oz a day at 8 weeks. But he was FTT the first few weeks and took until he was one month old to make his birth weight, so he has catching up to do. I think you should think more about her eating as averages vs per-day. So for instance, my kid will some days have only 25-oz but the next day he’ll have 36-oz, so it basically evens out. If she’s gaining weight and her lack of eating as much isn’t due to something like reflux, I don’t think you should worry just yet. Plus if she does start to lose weight or slow down with weight gain, there are a lot of intermediate steps between now and her needing something like an ng tube, as I learned from my experience with my son.
@augusto My girl was teeny at birth but has jumped up to 54th percentile at 7 months. She was eating around 24 oz at that age and is now taking 24-30 oz (4-5 bottles 6-7 oz each) and some solids but not every day. As long as baby is following her curve you are good to go. Appetites are a range and can definitely vary depending on if they’re getting sick, going through a regression, teething etc. Just keep offering what you’re offering and let her take what she needs. Once she’s consistently finishing bottles for a day or 2 you might want to bump up an ounce.
@augusto I wouldn’t be worried as long as baby is growing!

FWIW - my ped recommended only feeding max 4oz bottles per feed at that age. We had been offering 5oz but I think it made him too full so he went longer without eating and therefore ate less overall. Ped said 5 oz was too much for him at this age. After we backed it down to 4 oz bottles he started eating a little more frequently during the day and ate more overall. He used to barely eat 24 oz a day and now he averages 28-30oz.
@augusto My baby has been eating 4-5 ounces (usually 5) every 3 hours since like 6 weeks. It’s still 8 feedings a day of mostly 5oz at 10 weeks.

This is where my husband and I clash. He thinks we’re overfeeding and the baby is just fussy afterward, not hungry. I think the baby is hungry and eats more than average. If I tried to force 4oz when he wanted more, he’d cry and scream did what felt like hours.

Doctor wasn’t as helpful as I would have liked. She said 40oz a day is too much. But then she clarified that if the baby is showing real hunger signs, then feed them.

Unfortunately, my husband and I only took away from that what proved our own point.