"HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

@snowymtn I've never been able to pump. Maybe like 10ml??

I've just returned to work and pumped 3oz and that's huge for me. But that's me away from my baby for 6hrs šŸ™ƒ

It's absolutely not representative of how much baby gets, and it's not a competition? By all means if you pump/exclusively pump be proud! It's hard! But don't make it a thing where you use it to put others down šŸ¤¦
@snowymtn Even if you track meticulously, they never look or care anyways šŸ˜‚ we were doing weighted feeds and tracking eeevvveeeeythinf in the beginning. They barely read what we tracked- apparently if you look like you know what youā€™re doing they assume you do? Lol. No B we tracked it for you to go over like youā€™re grading a paper! Iā€™m trying to grow a baby here! Haha
@snowymtn This makes me feel so much better. Iā€™ve been stressing for over a month now about being back to the office and seeing the overall amount I produce fluctuate so bad. Just today I only pumped 6 oz for the 8hr work day. Iā€™ve been stressing out but I work nights so my production is about anywhere from 5-10 oz a shift. Now I donā€™t feel so bad. Thanks!
@snowymtn I have what might be a stupid question - but does your period affect your supply? If so, is it just while youā€™re menstruating and it returns to ā€˜normalā€™ after that cycle? Itā€™s my first cycle since the babyā€™s birth and honestly I have/had no idea šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
@snowymtn I pump every morning before work so I can start my work day feeling comfortable (and so my husband can bottle feed breast milk while I'm at work).

How much I get varies depending on how much she eats during the night and probably other factors too. I don't worry about it much, but I have one friend who is constantly going on about how many ml of milk she pumps at different times of the day and she always asks about how much I can pump in one go. It feels like she sees it as a competition.

I usually answer that I pump enough to feed my baby while I'm gone. Which I guess it's not completely true, since I usually pump one side right after work too and put it away for the next day.
@snowymtn i get the exact amount i put into the bottle to feed him. i had oversupply in the first weeks from pumping every two hours (triple feed/jaundice scenario) and it caused major issues for feeding and maternal mental health.

noooooo thank you to the oversupply.
@snowymtn Ty for this rant. Sometimes when I pump it varies so much from pump to pump if I only get little output, I over stress and worry as a working mom. This makes me lots better. Ty for the reminder.