"HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"


New member
I absolutely can not stand this question for many reasons. Here are my two biggest issues...
  1. It will never truly represent what my baby is getting
  2. It depends on so many factors (is my baby away and I'm pumping? Am I pumping after a feed? Am I on my period or not?)
I had a WIC appointment today and the nutritionist asked me this question. I pump regularly to build on my stash after my baby goes to bed. That is anywhere from 3 -7 oz total. That alone is a huge difference in amount I get. Sometimes I pump right after I lay him down for his long afternoon nap (2-5oz). When he's staying the night with Grandma and Grandpa and I pump in the morning I can get 10oz total.

This is so different for every woman based on how their baby feeds, how often, how often they pump, what pump they use, etc. Don't forget that some women can't ever successfully pump more than an ounce total because their bodies aren't used to it! Why do people feel the need to place value on a machines output when it is wildly different than what a babies natural movements do? This will always boggle my mind...

End rant
@snowymtn Absolutely agree!!

You just reminded me about my MIL'S obnoxious persistent question. She'd ask me every damn time I saw her how much milk my exclusively breastfed baby drank. MIL knew my baby was exclusively breastfed, she was supportive of that. And yet, she somehow thought that I was supposed to know how many cc's (wtf are cc's anyway) my baby got.

"She just drinks from boob, I dont know"

"Yes but about how much? How many cc's?"

@snowymtn Ugh! I have two women in my life who have both told me "How much do you pump? That's all?! Girl, you need to do [insert advice here]. When I was pumping, I was an over producer!"

I've told them my body produces as much as my daughter needs and that's all that matters. Our worth isn't based on how many ounces we produce. People get on my nerves.
@audreyl Damn that's also crazy that the overproducers were trying to tell you how to overproduce. Like... over- production has its own set of very painful problems!
@smmath My right side overproduces and tends to get clogs or pain at night. That’s the side I got mastitis on. Overproducing isn’t something you usually want. It’s uncomfortable!!
@audreyl Yes! Thank you!

This is really just getting in my nerves lately. Like, my baby is thriving. Why do you need to know how much I pump? Expected growth met? Check. Milestones met? Check. Then it doesn't matter how a device modeled after dairy farming can get out of me.

I know pumps can save breastfeeding relationships (they did with my first) but that does not equate to a make or break evaluation of production.
@snowymtn Ahh this. The more I learn about breastfeeding the worse I feel about how I was treated while bub was in hospital. I could only pump around 30mL total per session and was told that’s not enough, I have an under supply, I should be getting 100mL per session. But my baby has been exclusively breastfed for 6 months now (after about 1.5 of tube and breast and bottle) and he’s growing great! Obviously not an under supply.
@cookiedion79 I’m so sorry you were treated like that. Unfortunately even health professionals often lack breastfeeding knowledge and it’s their patients who end up paying the price. I’ve found that having a lactation consultant lined up for as soon as they leave the hospital is a good gift for my friends who would love to bf. You’re doing great!
@cookiedion79 Hahahaha I pumped at the hospital and got… a drop. The nurse shrugged and said she was just letting me get used to the sensation. I can’t imagine being told “that’s not enough”. We’re at 7.5 months and still ebf (well, plus blw). Not enough how?
@katrina2017 My bub was in hospital for 33 days (born 2 months early) so pumping 30mL wasn’t enough to keep up with his tube feeds, then later they would top him up via the tube with what I pumped after I breastfed him.
@snowymtn I barely produce anything with a breast pump, but my chunky lil chick is evidence the boobie milk is working. It’s less stressful to just nurse on demand. She’ll be one soon enough. She’s healthy and happy.
@catholic4jesus Agreed. I have a pump on the shelf and it just stresses me out thinking about pumping. I honestly think it will be less stressful to just always have to feed her on demand for the next 2 years

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