How long does it take for Scar tissue to heal on perineum stitches?


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Hi I’m (29F). I had my first baby via c section bc he was breech. My 2nd I had a successful vbac and had 2nd degree tear. I developed a scar tissue on my Perineum stitches around 2 week pp. TMI it’s around the opening of my vagina and it feels like a hard lump that has like a pimple looking tissue on top of it. It feels very sensitive to touch and here and there I get very sharp burning and shooting pain. It also hurts to sit in certain positions. At my 6 weeks OB said I can massage it daily to help soften it, but it can take up to a year to fully heal.

Has anyone here ever had anything similar and what helped you heal it ?
@gr8grace Yep, and it took some time. I was seeing a pelvic floor PT for other birth-related trauma, and she suggested using a vibrator on it 3x a week or so to help break up the scar tissue. Mine wasn’t as bad as yours from the sounds of it, though, so you may want to get a second opinion or a referral.
@gr8grace If you don’t mind me asking, how long was your labor with your 2nd? How many pushes did you do? What is the time gap between your first and 2nd delivery? (I’m considering a VBAC for my 2nd)
@88treasures My first was born October 2020 and 2nd was December 2023. My water broke at 38weeks+5days I was given Pitocin for induction because I didn’t had any contractions. My water broke at 7:30am and I was given pitocin at 12pm and got to 10cm by 8pm. I started pushing at 8:15 and he came out at 9pm. I think I did maybe like 7 8 pushes not too sure.

I had a lot of complication with this recovery. Some of my perineal stitches got opened somehow and had to go the ER to get them stitched again. Dealing with scar tissue and a very mild prolapse right now.

From my personal experience this recovery was a lot harder than my c section recovery. But every body is different.
If you really want to experience natural birth you can really prepare your body by doing perineal massages and learning the pushing techniques. (Which I regret not doing). Hope this helps. How was your recovery with first c section if you don’t mind me asking ?
@gr8grace Not OP but hoping for a VBAC, except my C-section recovery has honestly been so easy compared to what I expected (i'm at 7 weeks, no pain, everything works). A bad tear like yours is scary when I could just schedule my next delivery and probably make my hospital happier.
@gr8grace Pushing techniques? Like the breathing and what not? I prepared for my first with perineal massages every day, eating dates, lots of walking and water, etc. but of course, all that went out the window when your LO is too comfortable and doesn’t want to come out lol

VBAC, I’m not going to have my hopes up, I know if it doesn’t work then I’m ok with it. At least I allowed my body to give it a try, which is all I want. I don’t want to be that parent that forever regrets not trying or having those “what ifs” you know.

I am a wimp when it comes to pain lol I was mostly in bed rest for at least a month. I maybe could have been up and walking by 2nd week, but I was too scared to do anything. I also live in the 2nd floor, so I avoided stairs as much as possible.

I am hopeful that this time around I am a lot braver about it, whether VBAC or repeat c-sec.

I never saw a pelvis specialist for my first, and now for my 2nd I feel the repercussions. Hopefully that doesn’t affect my labor. Currently doing lots of stretches and medicine ball movements.
@gr8grace I had a second degree episiotomy in November, I can’t recommend pelvic floor PT enough. My PT has given me all kinds of exercises and stretches and shown me how to massage the scar tissue to soften it. It seems to be helping.