How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

@banlawya Dude keeps rolling his head into the crib multiple times a night. Doesn’t want to roll back. Iit’s like the mattress is too small for him. My man wants cuddles and then snores in my arms.
@banlawya At that time my son woke every 45 minutes... EBF and we had to break the nursing association or I would have literally gone insane. The intervals just got shorter and shorter from 3 months old on. My husband took the night shift alone for two nights and we got it back to only waking every three hours, and slowly to a place where he usually sleeps through the night since 11ish months old. I wish you a lot of strength, the first year is so rough sleep wise!
@banlawya 6-7 months was absolute hell on earth for us with our first.

She didn’t have a 4 month ‘regression’, she just didn’t sleep from 5-7.5 months.

She’d go to sleep till like 11 in her cot then would wake every 45 minutes to 1.5hrs continuously, all night.

I never wanted to bed share but ended up doing it out of sheer desperation and whichever of us wasn’t seeing to her had to sleep in the spare room.
@sunsetrose Oh my god my heart goes out to you, every 45 mins is literal military grade torture. Assuming she’s older than 7 months now, hopefully it’s gotten better?
@banlawya It was horrific but we got through it and honestly, it feels like it lasted a week now.

She’s 2.5yo now, since 1yo she slept through the night and we do a bath, read 3 stories, say night night, love you and she falls asleep on her own and sleeps through every night.
@banlawya We cosleep and have since week 2 out of desperation. It’s worked wonderfully! My son is an excellent sleeper - with the exception of a handful of nights. Most of the time, he’ll stir a little and I’ll wake up enough to pat him back to sleep or help him find a boob, then we’ll both go back to sleep. Very rarely (those exceptional nights) he’ll start fussing or crying and I’ll have to stand up and rock/pat to get him back to sleep.

He generally sleeps 8:30 or 9:30 to 7:30 or 8. He’s working on dropping a nap so the last 2 days have been 2 two hour naps. 7.5mo
@banlawya 6.5m here, also cosleeping, once I’m in bed with him he’ll go 3-4 hours at a time but he just nurses back to sleep usually. Needs to be bounced to sleep on a yoga ball for naps though and to be put to sleep initially lol 🫥
@banlawya 5.5 month old here. Co-sleeping because he will stay awake in his crib and cry…also because he wakes up ghe minute I put him down to sleep. He usually wakes up 2-3 hours during the night to nurse…sometimes more often 30-60 minutes. He wakes up at 6 am every morning. Yup…poor sleeper here too.
@banlawya At that age I think my daughter was still rolling onto her tummy in her sleep and then waking up very angry about it. We ended up co-sleeping too, her sleep didn’t really improve but it means I don’t wake up as much so I get back to sleep quicker. She’s 14 months now and is only just starting to show a glimpse of sleeping for longer than 3 hours regularly, but I think she is more wakeful than average. I bring her into bed with me after her first or second wake, and feed her to sleep each time. She’s a wonderful happy little girl so I’m hoping this means I’m doing ok as a mum!
@banlawya Mom of a 6.5 months old.

EBF, nursed to sleep.

He switched from 4 naps to 3 naps about a month ago, but I feel like he's slowly transitioning to 2 naps now. Naps have been slowly lengthening - they always lasted about 40 minutes. We're still contact napping (he sleeps on the nursing pillow, and when I notice he's about to cycle, I switch him on me - it's been working more and more)

As far as nighttime sleep is concerned, we roomshare (transitioned from bassinet to crib about 2 weeks ago). The only time I bring him into bed with me is when he has an early waking time (like 6h00 am), and I'm not ready to get up yet; otherwise, he sleeps in his bed.

Excluding when he has a false start (which is often) : on good nights, he wakes up twice; on bad nights, 4-5 times.

He skipped the 4 months regression, but the 6 months regression was pretty bad. It lasted 2 weeks. He was mastering the art of rolling, trying to sleep on his tummy, and both is bottom teeth came out.

Hang in there, I hear all of this is normal and that it shall pass.
@banlawya 6 month old baby—sounds like we’re having very similar nights. Starts the night off in his crib, usually comes into our bed. The first stretch of the night has been getting up to 5 hours, but after that he’s up every 1-3 hours.