How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

@banlawya At that time my son woke every 45 minutes... EBF and we had to break the nursing association or I would have literally gone insane. The intervals just got shorter and shorter from 3 months old on. My husband took the night shift alone for two nights and we got it back to only waking every three hours, and slowly to a place where he usually sleeps through the night since 11ish months old. I wish you a lot of strength, the first year is so rough sleep wise!
@banlawya 6-7 months was absolute hell on earth for us with our first.

She didn’t have a 4 month ‘regression’, she just didn’t sleep from 5-7.5 months.

She’d go to sleep till like 11 in her cot then would wake every 45 minutes to 1.5hrs continuously, all night.

I never wanted to bed share but ended up doing it out of sheer desperation and whichever of us wasn’t seeing to her had to sleep in the spare room.
@banlawya It was horrific but we got through it and honestly, it feels like it lasted a week now.

She’s 2.5yo now, since 1yo she slept through the night and we do a bath, read 3 stories, say night night, love you and she falls asleep on her own and sleeps through every night.
@banlawya We cosleep and have since week 2 out of desperation. It’s worked wonderfully! My son is an excellent sleeper - with the exception of a handful of nights. Most of the time, he’ll stir a little and I’ll wake up enough to pat him back to sleep or help him find a boob, then we’ll both go back to sleep. Very rarely (those exceptional nights) he’ll start fussing or crying and I’ll have to stand up and rock/pat to get him back to sleep.

He generally sleeps 8:30 or 9:30 to 7:30 or 8. He’s working on dropping a nap so the last 2 days have been 2 two hour naps. 7.5mo
@banlawya 6.5m here, also cosleeping, once I’m in bed with him he’ll go 3-4 hours at a time but he just nurses back to sleep usually. Needs to be bounced to sleep on a yoga ball for naps though and to be put to sleep initially lol 🫥

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